
liú tǐ jìng lì xué
  • hydrostatics;fluid statics
流体静力学[liú tǐ jìng lì xué]
  1. 用流体静力学称量法测定黄金饰品中金的含量

    To Determine the Gold Content of Gold Ornament by Using Fluid Statics Weight Method

  2. 内容包括流体之性质、流体静力学、运动学及动力学。

    The contents include those aspects of fluid properties , fluid statics , fluid kinematics , and fluid dynamics .

  3. 非流体静力学体系的热力学简述

    A Description of Thermodynamics of the Non hydrostatical System

  4. 静电场中介电液体的流体静力学特性及应用

    Hydrostatical Properties of Dielectric Liquids in Electrostatic Fields

  5. 流体静力学有限基本解方法及其应用

    Application of Finite-element Method to Ship Hydrostatics

  6. 浮力作为流体静力学中的一个基本概念,在流体力学中占有重要的地位。

    Buoyancy , a basic concept in hydrodynamics , plays a great role in hydrodynamics .

  7. 本文论述了利用流体静力学原理对硫酸烟碱的提取工序进行工艺改造的方法。

    The method of using hydrostatic principle to improve technology for extracting nicotine sulfate was described .

  8. 过量抽取地下水时,产生利于海水的流体静力学水位差。

    Over pumping of ground-waters produces a difference in hydrostatic head in favor of the seawater .

  9. 本文讨论缺乏拓扑不变性的磁流体静力学平衡位形。

    In the present paper , we discuss the magnetostatic equilibrium of the magnetic field without topological invariance .

  10. 用几何的观点,把微分形式引进流体静力学,从而得到了热力学第一定律的一次形式。

    Differential form was introduced into hydrostatics with geometrical viewpoint , the first mensural form of energetics was found .

  11. 日珥中不存在流体静力学平衡,磁场对日珥支撑起重要作用。

    Hydrostatic equilibrium does not hold in prominences . Magnetic field plays an important role in the supporting of prominences .

  12. 这些管道经过了制造商的流体静力学测试,但是和钢瓶和移动管道不一样,它们不要求定时的流体静力学测试。

    These tubes are hydrostatically tested by the manufacturer but , unlike cylinders and mobile tubes , periodical hydrostatic testing is not required .

  13. 软化水&对于特殊阀门,如果用户指定,可以采用软化水进行清洗和流体静力学壳体和弹簧压缩检测。

    Demineralized Water & When specified for special valves , demineralized water may be used for cleaning and hydrostatic shell and closure testing .

  14. 通过流体静力学规律对橡胶坝进行分析,建立了无溢流情况下橡胶坝的静态二维模型。

    By applying static hydrodynamics law to analyze the rubber dam , a static two-dimensional model of rubber dam without outflow was set up .

  15. 本课程介绍船舶设计、舶几何、舶流体静力学、体曲线计算与绘图等科目的原理。

    This course is an introduction to principles of naval architecture , ship geometry , hydrostatics , calculation and drawing of curves of form .

  16. 用于二氧化碳的钢瓶在制造时经过了流体静力学测试,之后每五年进行一次在5/3倍工作压力下的测试。

    Cylinders in carbon dioxide service are hydrostatically tested upon manufacture , and every five years thereafter at5 / 3 times the service pressure .

  17. 针对高速焊接条件下的咬边问题,概述了熔池金属流体静力学模型、数值计算模型以及经验模型,并分析了各自的特点。

    Aiming at the question of undercut in high-speed welding , this paper presented the model of hydrostatics , mathematics calculation and experience of melten-pool .

  18. 因此,总的效果是修正了恒星结构和演化中的物态方程、流体静力学方程、边界条件和对流区底部的能流密度。

    Consequently , the result is that we modify the equation of state , hydrostatic equilibrium equation , the boundary condition and the energy flux .

  19. 文章从流体静力学和动力学两个方面讨论了浸渗法制造纤维强化金属基复合材料所需的压力,并给出了计算公式。

    This paper deals with the necessary pressure for casting fiber-reinforced metal-matrix-composites from two aspects of hydrostatics and hydrodynamics and the formulae of compute are given .

  20. 运用理论力学中的流体静力学的有关理论,设计出一种简易的加速度、角速度测量仪,并应用于演示实验。

    Applying the theory concerned in hydrostatics in theoretical mechanics , a measurer is designed for measuring both simply and easily the acceleration and angular velocity as well , and it has been used in demonstrated experiment .

  21. 本文应用流体静力学原理讨论了油层层内压力梯度,从理论上得出,同一压力系统的油层层内压力梯度只与地层条件下的流体密度有关。利用压力梯度曲线可以判断油层的连通性。

    Pressure gradients of reservoirs with fluid static theory are studied in the paper and it is concluded that the pressure gradient of the reservoirs of the same hydrodynamic system is related to fluid density under the condition of reservoir .

  22. 并在该流域选取了两条具有代表性的剖面,分别用水面以下的冰厚度与总的冰厚度的比值、流体静力学平衡理论等进行了验证。

    Two representative profiles are selected to validate the above preliminary conclusion , by ratio of bed depth to ice thickness , and height divergence between the measured height and the calculated value according to ice thickness by hydrostatic equilibrium theory .

  23. 通过检测流体静力学压力引起的液流速度,可以计算出低速电渗流;并且,由于流体静力学压力的作用,导致了两种模式下迁移物质不同的表观迁移率。

    The method is fulfilled to calculate low EOF rates by detecting the liquid flow velocity driven by hydrostatic pressure , and difference between the apparent mobility of the migrating analyte in two modes is caused by the effect of hydrostatic pressure .

  24. 脉钨矿床的自组织临界性是多重分形扩张之源,而中观破裂尖端周围流体静力学应力场梯度最大区则是分形扩张的驱动力。

    The self-organized criticality of the vein-type tungsten ore deposits is the origin of multiple fractal dilatation , while the regions of the steepest gradients of hydrostatic stress field around the tip of mesoscopic cracks are the driven force of fractal dilatation .

  25. 利用弹性地球负荷理论和流体静力学平衡假设条件下的干空气及其垂直温度梯度分布,理论计算了大气压力作用下地表位移、重力和倾斜格林函数。

    Based on the loading theory of an elastic earth , and the distributions of dry air and its vertical gradients of temperature under hydrostatic equilibrium , we have theoretically modeled the effects of barometric pressure on the observations of deformation , gravity and tilt .