
huó kǒu
  • flexible;a survivor of a murder attempt;a prisoner who can furnish information;support one's family
活口 [huó kǒu]
  • (1) [a survivor of a murder attempt]∶命案发生时在现场而没有被杀、可以提供情况的人

  • (2) [a prisoner who can furnish information]∶可提供情况的罪犯或俘虏

  • (3) [support one's family]∶维持生活;糊口

  • 养家活口

  • (4) [flexible]∶较活动的口气;活话

  • 他听见队长的话有点儿活口,觉得事情有希望成功

活口[huó kǒu]
  1. Deadmentellnotales-意思是死去的人不会泄露任何秘密或者真相,这也是海盗不喜欢留活口的原因。

    Dead men tell no tales - Means that a dead man cannot reveal any secret or fact . It was the reason why the pirates didn 't like to spare any survivors .

  2. 医生,看来我们有了一个活口。

    Doc , looks like we 've got a live one .

  3. 把这片土地撕碎,不留活口!

    Tear this land asunder and leave only death in your wake !

  4. 我的长官告诉我不能留活口。

    My c.o.told me not to leave anything breathing .

  5. 你怎么就不把钱拿走然后留下活口呢。

    Why didn 't you just take the money and let them live .

  6. 你们不留下活口说出经过吗?

    Don 't Mickey and Mallory leave somebody alive to tell the tale ?

  7. 留个活口去通风报信。

    Leave one alive to tell the tale .

  8. 歼灭他们途径之路的一切活口。

    Waste every living thing in their path .

  9. 你为什么留我活口?

    Why do you let me live ?

  10. 在卓戈死后.胜者将成为新的卡奥.他不会留下对手的活口.

    After Drogo dies . Whoever wins that fight will be the new Khal . He won 't want any rivals .

  11. 另一方面从严把关,不留活口,对没有资金实力想蒙混过关的,坚决控制住。

    On the other hand strictly controlled and not leave freely , without financial strength to muddle through , firmly controlled .

  12. 一个呃逆,意想不到的法案,裁员一活口,将可能丧失家园。

    One hiccough , an unexpected bill , a layoff of one breadwinner and they will be in danger of losing their home .

  13. 他们最终决定,鉴于到目前为止我表现很好,将留我个活口。

    At last it was decided that , as I had behaved so well up to now , I would be kept alive .

  14. 她写了一本书,于1999年出版,名叫《绝不留活口:卢旺达大屠杀》。

    She wrote a book , published in nineteen ninety-nine , called " Leave None to Tell the Story : Genocide in Rwanda . "

  15. 它具有良好的通用性、实用性、安全性,既提供了规范、标准的管理模式,又提供了灵活口,能适应不同的连锁经营企业的情况。

    Not only does it provide standard and normative management mode , but also does it provide flexible interface . It can adapt to different cases of different chain management enterprises .

  16. 他的家乡,地下城市魔索布莱城,是一个粗暴的地方,而且他的家族通过坚守城市的金箴规则:“不留活口”而取得了它的权力位置。

    His hometown , the underground city of Menzoberranzan , is a rough place , and his family achieved its position of power by adhering to the city 's Golden Rule : Don 't get caught .