
Tectonic activation zone of marginal depression tectono-geochemical type of the association of chalcophile ore-forming elements .
Exsolution and metasomatism of alkaline component plays a positive role in activation , leaching and precipitating , mineralization of gold during metamorphic process .
The north margin of Qaidam basin is a significant tectonic-magmatic activation belt and an endogenic metallogenic province . Its recent archi-tectonic property is a geodome series .
The activation in the presence of ammonia was compared with that of no ammonia .
The results indicate that roof rock mass in fault zone and its influential range is broken and with poor stability by activation of fault after coal mining , so the distance of periodic weighting decreases and the caving zone increases , particularly in the footwall of fault .
It has shown that the colloidal particles of sol coppery activation solution were with nagative charge .
The early Mesozoic thrust nappe structure in western Fujian is composed of three basic tectonic units : the crystalline basement obduction zone in the central part and the cover fold thrust zone in the east .