
So take the train or a taxi way uptown to Harlem -- one of Manhattan 's most vibrant uptown neighborhoods . It 's the place to go for classic , America soul food .
The most vibrant communities often outlive the participation of their founders .
It 's both modern and actively developed and maintained , with a vibrant surrounding community .
What are Active Community Environments ?
Vibrant communities demand better documentation and examples , and they lend more hands to do the finishing details .
We get families moving here from London and Brighton who very much want to live in a strong , vibrant community .
It was a beautiful , close , small , vibrant community of mixed peoples from every demographic that you can think of , but a tight community .
Each also has many books should you choose to have a physical artifact to paw through , and both have vibrant communities that are eager to answer questions .
Nanchang WES Academy ( NWA ) aims to become a vibrant community consisting of students and staff who strive for excellence in academic pursuits , arts and sports activities .
But Mr Chen is voicing a fear , felt in Chinatowns from London to San Francisco , that the struggle to keep up with rising rents and other challenges will prompt these vibrant communities to disappear .
Andy Rubin , senior vice-president of mobile at Google , said : " Google remains firmly committed to Android as an open platform and a vibrant open source community . "
( Recall a year ago Facebook paid roughly that price per user $ 1-billion in total for the photo app Instagram that also lacked revenue but did represent a growing and passionate community ) .
Together , we will succeed in developing a vibrant community of scholars to advance Chinese management scholarship .
Discover an intimate , cutting-edge ambiance warmed by Pacific Northwest materials and accented by works from Seattle 's vibrant creative community .
This project creates multi-functional spaces in simple modern style , aiming to present a fashioned , natural and dynamic living community .
Every business and location will be unique ; creating a community characterized by vibrant harmony and constant flux that is different , innovative , refreshing , swinging , and vibrant .
In order to make the architectural heritage to be competent for the new function entrusted by the society , it is necessary to do some certain conservation , regeneration and revision , extension to it in nowadays .
In this residential planning , we tried to merge building into environment , creating a " healthy , comfortable , vivid " and with water surrounded neighborhood .