
  • 网络Bosnian Serbs
  1. 被提名为获奖候选人的迈克·基尔希在拿到罗里·佩克奖金之前的那一周里受到波黑塞族人的袭击。

    In the week prior to the Rory Peck Awards , nominee Mike Kirsch was attacked by the Bosnian Serbs .

  2. 波黑塞族战争时期的领导人RadovanKaradzic已经于2008年被捕。

    The wartime political leader of the Bosnian Serbs , Radovan Karadzic , was captured in two thousand eight .

  3. 本周,塞尔维亚逮捕了欧洲头号通缉犯,前波黑塞族军事指挥官姆拉迪奇(RatkoMladic),结束了16年的追捕行动。

    This week , Serbia arrested one of Europe 's most wanted men . Former Bosnian Serb general Ratko Mladic spent sixteen years in hiding .

  4. 一名塞尔维亚法官判决,前波黑塞族军事总司令姆拉迪奇(RatkoMladic)的身体状况良好,可以转移到海牙国际刑事法庭。

    A Serbian judge has ruled that the former Bosnian Serb military commander Ratko Mladic is fit enough to be transferred to the war crimes tribunal at The Hague .

  5. 叶利钦警告西方不要空袭波黑塞族阵地

    Yeltsin warned the West not to air strike Serbian positions in Bosnia-Herzegovina

  6. 这位波黑塞族军队上将竖起大拇指,向正驱车离开的荷兰士兵挥手告别。

    The Bosnian Serb general gives the thumbs-up and waves as the Dutch drive off .

  7. 波黑塞族主要领导人和联合国驻波黑维和部队的主要领导人参加了这次会谈。

    Chief Serb leaders of Bosnia-Herzegovina and the chief officials of the United Nations peacekeeping force stationed in Bosnia-Herzegovina participated in this meeting .

  8. 法院裁定,联合国荷兰部队不应该将这三名男子移交给将他们杀害的波黑塞族军队。

    The court ruled the Dutch UN troops should not have handed the three men over to the Bosnian Serb forces who killed them .

  9. 前波黑塞族军事指挥官姆拉迪奇在海牙刑事法庭因战争罪接受审判时扰乱秩序,被带下法庭。

    The former Bosnian Serb military commander Ratko Mladic has been removed from the courtroom during his war crimes trial in The Hague for disrupting the proceedings .

  10. 波黑塞族,在以塞族人为主的南斯拉夫军队和准军事力量的支持下,迅速的控制了这个国家的大多数地区,并包围了首都萨拉热窝。

    The Bosnian Serbs , backed by the Serb-dominated Yugoslav military and paramilitary forces , quickly seized control of most of the country and laid siege to Sarajevo , the capital .

  11. 在南斯拉夫战争达到高潮时,波黑塞族用火箭轰击了外国传媒基地在波黑首都萨拉热窝的电视台一种用以恐吓的蓄意行动,这一行动导致人员的巨大伤亡。

    At the height of the Yugoslavian war , Bosnian Serbs rocketed the base for the foreign media-the television station in the Bosnian capital sarajevo & in a deliberate act of intimidation which caused many casualties .

  12. 这个工程、采购和建设合约去年5月在波黑塞族共和国首都巴尼亚卢卡签署,是中国企业在欧洲签署的第一个此类合约。

    The EPC ( Engineering , Procurement and Construction ) contract signed last May in Banja Luka , the Bosnian Serb provisional capital , was the first of its kind for a Chinese company in Europe .

  13. 塞尔维亚母亲联合会的KadaHotic指控塞尔维亚公开庇护她称为“怪兽”的人。然而,她和其他受害者家人对这次逮捕表示欢迎。但是一些波黑塞族人则表达了愤怒。

    Kada Hotic from the Mothers of Srebrenica Association accused Serbia of hiding a man she calls a " monster . " Still , she and other family members of victims welcomed the arrest , while some Bosnian Serbs expressed anger .

  14. 卡拉季奇是1992至1995年波黑战争期间波斯尼亚塞族领导人。

    Karadzic : Poet Obsessed With Violence Karadzic was the leader of the Bosnian Serbs during the 1992-1995 war in Bosnia-Herzegovina .