
  • 网络Ferrari;Ferraris;Ferrari sports car
  1. 墨西哥媒体上最近出现报导,现任石油工会理事长CarlosRomeroDeschamps买了一台限量版法拉利跑车送给儿子当作礼物。

    Reports have recently appeared in the Mexican press of a limited-edition Ferrari bought by Carlos Romero Deschamps , the current leader of the oil workers ' union , as a gift for his son .

  2. ArsDigita公司曾经轰动一时,因为它买了一辆法拉利跑车,陈列在停车场上,宣布任何人只要能成功推荐10个人进公司,就能拥有这辆跑车。

    ArsDigita got a lot of publicity for buying a Ferrari and putting it in the parking lot and announcing that anyone who got10 referrals could have it .

  3. 很快,司机们就会在路上看到更多的法拉利跑车(Ferraris)从身边呼啸而过&在接下来几年中,每年大约增加3000辆。

    Drivers will soon see more Ferraris passing them by on the road – about 3,000 more over the coming years .

  4. 很快,司机们就会在路上看到更多的法拉利跑车(Ferraris)从身边呼啸而过——在接下来几年中,每年大约增加3000辆。

    Drivers will soon see more Ferraris passing them by on the road - about 3000 more over the coming years .

  5. 你只要肯组织这次晚会,我的红色法拉利跑车就是你的了。

    Just organize this party and my red Ferrari is yours .

  6. 远次于女人排名第二的是法拉利跑车。

    A very , very distant second is a Ferrari .

  7. 富翁们用房子、游艇和法拉利跑车来堵住旧日女友的嘴。

    wealthy men paying off old girlfriends with houses , yachts and Ferraris .

  8. 他们给了我一辆法拉利跑车!真的无法置信!

    Yes ! They gave me a ferrari for my transportation !!! This is unbelievable !

  9. 西班牙马略卡岛一港口码头上的游艇和法拉利跑车。

    Marina , port Portals at Majorca , Yachts , sport car , Ferrari Testarossa .

  10. 下次你看到那些开着法拉利跑车的人,你不要想“这个人很贪婪”,

    The next time you see somebody driving a Ferrari , don 't think , " This is somebody who 's greedy . "

  11. 有个年轻人有了法拉利跑车,特地来搭配一辆2万元的法拉利自行车。

    A young Ferrari car owner came to him specifically to buy a Ferrari bicycle , which goes for 20,000 yuan , Xia said .

  12. 您是申请贷款买房呢,还是想得到现款,先还掉现在住房的旧贷款呢?富翁们用房子、游艇和法拉利跑车来堵住旧日女友的嘴。

    Now , are you buying a house or are you refinancing your present home ? wealthy men paying off old girlfriends with houses , yachts and Ferraris .

  13. 艺术品、红酒、法拉利跑车、私人飞机、度假和时尚用品的拍卖和私人出售的价格也在下滑,虽然程度各有不同。

    Prices at auction and in private sales for art , wine , Ferraris , private jets , vacations and fashion also have plummeted , though by varying degrees .

  14. 据中新社报道,5月6日晚10时,一辆法拉利跑车被吊到江苏南京的一段古城墙上,在10米宽的墙顶部启动。

    At 10:00 PM on May 6 , a Ferrari sports car was lifted up to an ancient rampart in Nanjing , Jiangsu Province , and started on its 10-meter wide surface , China News Service reported .

  15. 该公园将会有“世界上最快的过山车”,其时速高达125英里(200公里),并且会升至200英尺(62米)高的顶端(受法拉利GT跑车启发而造)后回落。

    There will be the " world 's fastest roller coaster ", which reaches speeds of125mph ( 200kmh ) while rising over200ft ( 62m ) through the Ferrari GT inspired roof and back down again .

  16. 日前,一辆价值20万英镑的崭新的斯库德里亚法拉利430跑车,因起火被烧成灰烬,而车主才刚把车买下来。

    A BRAND NEW 200000 pounds Ferrari 430 Scuderia was burnt to ashes just an hour after the owner purchased the luxury car .

  17. 去年有一辆法拉利恩佐跑车被警察扣下,这辆车在机场已经积尘好几个月了。

    Last year , a Ferrari Enzo , one of only four hundred manufactured , was seized by police having spent several months in a car park collecting dust .

  18. 近些年,顶级古董车市场由20世纪五六十年代的法拉利标志性跑车主导。

    In recent years , the top level of the classic car market has been dominated by signature Ferraris from the 1950s and " 60s .