- legal service

WTO and Opening up of Chinas Legal Service Market
Because our country has entered WTO successfully , it is necessary to open our country 's legal service market .
Employees are reimbursed for any legal fees incurred when they relocate .
The Design of Economic Law Service Center Based on Internet
Study of Issues Rising from International Law Services under WTO
Obviously , WTO will influence law service trade deeply in China .
Studies on the opening of service market in WTO
The status and reform of our legal services under GATS
The thesis exposes the matters of law in law-service trade , comparing the situation before we coming into WTO with after , and the situation in China with in other countries .
The achievement of the EU prefigures the trend of development of the liberalization of trade in legal services in global areas with the facilitation of the WTO and other international economic organizations .
Therefore , this paper suggests it is necessary to reshape the standards for qualified personnel standards and training models , so as to reform the educational system suitable for WTO legal services and trade .
How the legal service , specially the west legal service , to suit the WTO regulation , to grasp the opportunities , and to develop , it is just what we are thinking about .
As one special commercial service among the service trade in WTO " classification chart of service department ", its market matter of opening belong to adjusting range of GATS .
Under GATS , opening the market of legal service of WTO members face three major obstructs : market access obstacle , national treatment obstacle and domestic policy obstacle .
" General Agreement on Trade in Services "( GATS ) is an adjustment to the multilateral international trade in services and mandatory rules . Legal services is one important component .
For the legal service is exclusive , we should open the market progressively by way of negotiations after China 's entering the WTO . It is of significance in practice to research problems about the market access , including the present conditions , limitation and scope .
Since China 's entry of WTO , the demands of legal services concerning foreign affairs are becoming more and more urgent . In human resources market , the need of pure English or law talents has already changed to inter-disciplinary talents of mastering law and English .
With the progress of legal construction and the further development of economy in China , the competition in the market of legal service becomes more and more fiercely . JS Law Firm is built up under such background .
This thesis starts to introduce the background of global trade in legal services and the effects of GATS of WTO legal framework on trade in legal services , and then this work seeks to study and analyze the history and status of the current legal services negotiations .
Ken Clarke , justice secretary , said last month that he wanted the UK to be " the lawyer of the world " and would fight " protectionist regulations wherever they remained an impediment to the export of UK legal services " .
Since 2013 , they have invested in 15 companies together including sports website The Players Tribune , videogame designer Scopely , and legal-services company LegalZoom .
The judge 's decision follows a report from the state legal services , which represent Spain 's national tax agency and called for Messi and his father , Jorge Horacio , to face charges that carry a sentence of as much as 22 months in prison .
Reflections on Further Standardizing the Orders of the Legal Service Market
The fourth part analyzes the barriers of law service trade .
The Countermeasures of the Open in g of Legal Service Market
The Exploration of the Talents Training Patterns in Law Service Speciality
They fell during the recession , but not nearly far enough
An important feature on legal profession of vocational education is practicality .
The Problems and Counter-measures of the Legal Service System in the Countryside
Arbitration service is different from lawyer 's legal service .