
fǎ lǜ sī xiǎnɡ shǐ
  • history of legal thoughts
  1. 中国政治法律思想史

    The history of the theories on politics and law of China

  2. 庞德分别从法制史和法律思想史中探寻法律目的。

    Pound separately sought the legal end in the legal history and juristic thought history .

  3. 马克思主义法律思想史

    History of the Marxist Jurisprudential Thoughts

  4. 自然法学和实证主义法学是近代西方法律思想史上的两大流派。

    In the history of modern western legal thought , natural law and legal positivism are the great two schools .

  5. 西塞罗因为对理性主义自然法的系统阐发而奠定了其在西方政治法律思想史上的地位。

    Cicero established his high status in the history of legal thought because of his systematical thought on rationalistic natural law .

  6. 在法律思想史的舞台上,自然法学派、实证主义法学派、社会法学派等你方唱罢我登场,演绎着法律效力来源的不同版本。

    In the history of law , Natural Law 、 Positivist Jurisprudence and Sociological School of Law are the man role .

  7. 事实与价值二分法在法律思想史上的表现即是分析实证法学对自然法学的批判否定。

    In the history of legal ideology , fact-value dichotomy represents criticism and negation of analytical positivist jurisprudence to natural jurisprudence .

  8. 但是批判和反思是研究的必经途径和必要的方法,西方法律思想史研究亦然。

    Criticism and reflection is the necessary approach and method of research , so is the research on western legal thoughts .

  9. 一是从西方法律思想史的发展变化考证知识产权制度及其权利穷竭制度生成的思想根源。

    We probe into the origin of thinking in which the system of intellectual property and its exhaustion of rights shaped from the history of western law thinking .

  10. 在西方法律思想史的发展过程中,主要产生了自然法学、功利主义法学、分析实证主义法学以及社会法学等流派。

    In the development of Western legal thought history , the natural law , utilitarianism law , analysis of legal positivism and social law and other schools were created .

  11. 国内法律思想史的传统观点认为,法律社会学排斥规则体系,纯粹在社会中研究法律。

    In the past , the legal sociology excludes the system of rules which makes the pure legal studies in society considered by the traditional views of legal intellectual history in China .

  12. 霍布斯之后的法律思想史能在更加具体的层面上说明这一思想变轨:奥斯丁、哈特与富勒精繁复杂的学理论述刻画了现代性语境中不同的法律意象。

    The history of legal thought after Hobbes illustrates this idea orbit in a more concrete level : Austin , Hart and Fuller describe the different image of law in the context of the modernity .

  13. 通过研究,我们发现:马克思的所有权思想是其多方面理论成就的综合反映,他的所有权思想史是其法律思想史的生动写照;

    After a thorough study we find that Marx 's thought of proprietary rights is a synthetical reflection of other theoretical accomplishments , and its thought history is a vivid portraiture of his legal thought history ;

  14. 近代历史相关问题的研究也一直是学术界的热点,法律思想史研究也向深度和广度进展,成果也较丰富。

    The research on the related problems in history of modern age has been a little bit hot in academic circles . The studies on the history of law thought have gained a deep and wide progress and abundant achievements .

  15. 笔者综合采用多学科交叉研究的方法,就徽学中鲜有涉及的法律思想史领域中的犯罪预防思想进行较全面研究,力图弥补徽学研究的不足。

    The author uses the interdisciplinary research methods to make a more comprehensive study on the Crime Prevention thoughts in the field of law system which is seldom concerned in Huizhou Studies , trying to compensate the deficiencies of early studies .

  16. 西汉前期是中国法律思想史上一个重要的时期,短短的几十年中,官方法律思想发生了由法到儒的巨大转变,封建正统法律思想逐渐形成。

    The early stage of the Western Han Dynasty is an important period in the history of Chinese legal ideology . During the few decades , the official legal ideology changed from Legalism to Confucianism and the orthodox Feudal legal ideology was gradually formed .

  17. 从苏格拉底的审判、安提戈涅的悲剧开始,西方漫长的法律思想史为现代社会对这一理论的研究准备了丰富而又详实的资料,对更为深入的研究奠定了基础。

    From the judgment to Socrates and the tragedy of Antigone , the long history of the thought of law in western has prepared very rich and detailed materials for the research of this theory , and established abundant base to the further research .

  18. 洛克的自由思想在人类政治法律思想发展史上以及西方自由主义传统中的理论贡献巨大,历史影响深远。

    Locke 's ideas of freedom have enormous contribution and far-reaching historical impact in the history the development of human political and legal ideas as well as the Western liberalism tradition .

  19. 在中外伦理思想、法律思想发展史上,不同时期、不同派别的伦理学家和法学家们对法治合理性中的理解说不一。

    In the history of the development of thoughts of law home and abroad , jurists and ethicists from different sects in different periods have different explanations for the rationality of ruling by law .

  20. 文章认为从西方法律思想发展史看,自然法是一种理性、正义和道德的法律,其思想强调的是人与人、人与自然、人与社会的和谐统一,人类不应遗忘它。

    With history of Western legal ideology , the thesis thinks the natural law is a kind of law with " reason ", " justice " and " morality " which ideologically emphasizes the harmony between the humans , human and the nature , and human and the society .

  21. 包括董康生平及著作简介,董康法律思想的社会史背景,及董康法律思想的法律史背景。

    Including Dong Kang biography and work synopsis , Dong Kang law thought social history background , and Dong Kang law thought legal history background .

  22. 朱熹法律思想在中国法律思想史上有其重要的地位。

    The law ideology of zhuxi has consequence in Chinese law ideology history .

  23. 沈家本是中国近代著名的法学家,他的法律思想在中国法律思想史上占有重要地位。

    Shen Jiaben is a famous jurist in modern times in China , his law ideology plays a very important part in modern history of China law ideology .

  24. 法律现实主义在美国法律思想史上的地位极其显著,然而,以往对法律现实主义的理解颇为狭隘。

    Despite the distinct role of legal realism in the history of American legal thought , the understanding of it is still partial .

  25. 由于受到法律文化、法律思想、刑事法律史的影响,当今各国刑法对共同犯罪人是否予以分类以及如何进行分类规定的不尽一致,理论界对此也争论较大。

    Because of different law culture , law thought , and the infection of law history , there are plenty disputes in conspirators code on whether it is necessary to classify conspirators and how to classify .

  26. 关于法律是否具有确定性是西方法律思想史上的一个古老命题,从古希腊、罗马的自然法学派到后现代主义思潮。

    About whether the law has the certainty or not is an ancient proposition from the school of natural law of the ancient Greece and the Rome to the postmodernism ideological trend in the history of the western legal thought .

  27. 法律史学以法律制度史和法律思想史为研究对象。

    The study object of China legal history is China legal history of system and China legal history of ideology .

  28. 自汉朝以来,以儒家法律思想为主的封建正统法律思想在中国法律史上一直处于独尊独尚的地位。

    Since the Han Dynasty the Legal system in China had been exclusively dominated by the feudal legal conventions which chiefly embodied the Confucianist legal ideas .

  29. 亚里士多德的法律和法治思想在中西方的政治、法律思想史上占有极重要的地位。

    Aristotle 's thought of law and ruling by law is taking a very important role in the political and legal history of eastern and western thought .

  30. 最后,对早期维新派法律思想作总体观察,总结他们法律思想的相同与相异之处,探讨这些法律思想在近代史上的意义。

    At last , I make a summary of their legal ideas , inquire into the same and different content of their legal ideas to find the modern meaning .