
  • 网络normal component;radial force
  1. 今天这个是用来求F的法向分量的积分的。

    The one today is for integrating the normal component of F.

  2. 界面上的自由面电荷所产生的电场,在界面两侧,以相反的方向叠加在原电场上,导致了电位移矢量的法向分量的不连续;

    The electric field which is produced by free surface charge on the interface lies in both ends of the interface and is added to original electric field in opposite direction , which results in normal component discontinuation of dielectric displacement vector .

  3. 本文采用的数学方法是将周期开槽结构表面上电场法向分量展成Fourier积分,根据边界条件建立函数方程。

    The approach of normal component of the electrical field on the periodic notched structure being expanded into the Fourier integral has been used and the functional equations are set up according to the boundary condition .

  4. 法向分量的闪络电压低于平行分量电压值,单纯交流时更明显。

    The flashover voltage of normal component electrode system is lower than parallel component electrode system and it is more obviously when the voltage is AC situation .

  5. 目前,许多文献使用含有磁感应强度法向分量边界条件的初边值问题来求解线性瞬态涡流场。

    At present , the initial-boundary value problem that includes the interface condition on the normal component of the magnetic flux density is used to solve the linear transient eddy current electromagnetic field in many papers .

  6. 在对小波系数的统计特性进行实验分析的基础上,选择在低频子带的小波系数中嵌入水印,并对小波系数的切向和法向分量设计了不同的嵌入强度,以减小几何失真。

    Based on the statistical analysis of wavelet coefficients , the watermarks are embedded by perturbing the wavelet coefficient vectors in low resolution subband , and the embedding strengths for different components of the wavelet coefficient vectors are designed differently in order to decrease the geometric distortion .

  7. 铁磁性工件在受到应力作用时,在应力集中处会有漏磁场的切向分量出现最大值、同时法向分量改变符号且过零值点的现象。

    When a ferromagnetism items is under the application of stress , the phenomenon that the tangential component of magnetic leakage field has maximum value and that the normal component of magnetic leakage field changes polarity and acquires zero value at the stress concentration zone will take place .

  8. 探讨了齿面接触点上的卷吸速度,并对相对滑动速度在接触线法向的分量和卷吸速度进行了对比研究。

    The entraining velocity on the contact point of gear surface is studied and the difference between entraining velocity and component of relative velocity in the normal direction of contact line is analyzed .

  9. 地球自转角速度变化引起离心惯性力变化,而离心惯性力法向应力分量变化引起的地壳水平应力远远大于离心惯性力水平应力分量变化所导致的地壳水平应力。

    The centrifugal inertial force is caused by the change of angular velocity of earth rotation , and the horizontal stress of earth crust caused by the change of normal stress component is much larger than that caused by the change of horiZontal stress component of centrifugal inertial fofr .