
  • 网络French Defense Ministry;French MOD
  1. 为证实自己的理论,七月份罗伊·亨利致信法国国防部,提出要对拿破仑的一缕头发进行DNA测试。

    To prove his theory , Roy-Henry wrote to France 's Defense Ministry last month to request a DNA test on a strand of Napoleon 's hair .

  2. 尽管亨利称这项DNA测试能够确认拿破仑坟墓里那具尸体的身份,使得所有疑问得以真相大白,但是法国国防部却拒绝进行测试,至少在目前是这样的。

    But France 's Defense Ministry has refused , at least for now , to allow a DNA test , which Roy-Henry contends would put an end to all questions about the identity of the body in Napoleon 's Tomb .

  3. 法国国防部部长莫兰说,欧盟在波斯尼亚的四年维和行动是成功的。

    French Defense Minister Herve Morin called the four-year-old peacekeeping operation a success .

  4. 曾几何时,它是法国国防部办公大楼所在地;

    At one time , it served as offices for France 's defence ministry ;

  5. 所有空中打击都与我们的盟友进行了协调,法国国防部一名资深官员表示。

    All air strikes were co-ordinated with our partners , said a senior French defence ministry official .