
An Analysis of Characteristics of Hydrologic Droughts in Inland Rivers in Xin jiang
Affecting Factors in order of importance : the hydrological characteristics of the river Contamination status the physical structure of the riverbed aquatic ecosystems riparian landscape .
According to the hydrology and the water quality characteristic of the rivers in Shandong Province , the water environmental capacity mathematical models suiting the local situation have been established in this paper , and the design methods of the model parameters have been derived .
Finally , applies the method in Tarim River 's three sources and courses concentration calculation , has confirmed the method is feasibility , and rationality .
Based on existing achievements , it indicated river healthy status in terms of water quality , aquatic life , physical form , hydrology , streamside zone , social function and economy function .
The river types are indicated with letters used by W.K oppen in his climate classification , which will render a quick knowledge of their corresponding hydrological features .