
  • 网络River Dynamics;river mechanics
  1. 利用河流动力学SaintVenant方程组,通过建立描述长江水情的数值模式,进行三峡工程对长江城陵矶站水位影响预测。

    Making use of the Saint Venant equations of river dynamics , this paper studies the impacts of the Three Gorge project on water level of Chenglingji station ( in Changjiang ) through the modelling of hydrologic process of Changjiang river .

  2. 非平衡态热力学理论在河流动力学领域中的应用

    Theory of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics and Its Application for Field of River Dynamics

  3. 根据ADCP实测水流资料,利用水文学、泥沙运动力学、河流动力学、数理统计相结合的方法,对长江口水流运动规律进行研究;

    Using ADCP and the related knowledge of hydrology , sediment kinetics mechanics , river kinetics mechanics and mathematical statistics , the law of tidal current in the Yangtze River Estuary is studied .

  4. 非结构网格有限体积法(FVM)物理意义清晰,能处理复杂的计算区域,逐渐被应用在水力学及河流动力学领域中。

    For unstructured-grid Finite Volume Method ( FVM ) has clear physical meaning and can be used in complex computational domain , this method has been applied in the hydrodynamic and river dynamic computation in recent years .

  5. 水力学及河流动力学基本问题研究的现状与任务

    Status Quo and Tasks of Basic Research in Hydraulics and Fluvial Dynamics

  6. 泥沙及河流动力学研究专题论文综述

    A Summary of Papers on River Dynamics and Sedimentation

  7. 推移质运动及输沙率是河流动力学的基本问题之一。

    Bed load motion and its transport rate is one of the basic issues in river dynamics .

  8. 河流动力学进展

    Advances in River Mechanics

  9. 含植物河流动力学实验研究&流速、摩阻流速及曼宁糙率系数垂线分布

    Experimental studies of hydrodynamics in vegetated river flows & Vertical profiles of velocity , shear velocity and Manning roughness

  10. 在最新测速方法和颗粒运动特性的研究方面取得了新进展,研究结果对促进河流动力学学科的发展及各种工程的应用具有重要的理论意义和生产实用价值。

    Advances have been achieved in the development of velocity measurement approach and the research on the characteristics of particle movement .

  11. 然后将最小能耗率原理和耗散结构理论移植到河流动力学领域。

    The theory of minimum rate of energy dissipation and the dissipative structure can be extended to the field of river dynamics .

  12. 非均匀沙运动规律,是泥沙运动力学及河流动力学领域里的一项重要研究课题。

    The transport character of non-uniform sediment is one of the most important problems in the field of sediment mechanics and river dynamics .

  13. 研究水力学及河流动力学问题,有两种易混淆的假说,即最小能耗率理论和最大能耗率理论。

    In hydraulics and river dynamics studies , there are two confused hypotheses : minimum energy consumption rate theory and maximum energy consumption rate theory .

  14. 对沿河路基水毁和防护的水力学、河流动力学机理进行了深入的研究,提出了系统的防护设计计算方法以及各种冲刷防护工程综合运用的型式。

    In the paper , the principles of protection against washout for highways along rivers are studied , and the systematic design methods of protection are given .

  15. 结合这些流场与泥沙计算方法及河床形态调整技术,作者提出一个准三维河流动力学模型。

    Combining the computation of velocity field and sediment transportation with the adjusting technique of river geometry , a quasi_3D dynamic model for fluvial processes have been proposed .

  16. 河道浅滩演变研究是河流动力学的重要组成部分,是水利学科的基础性课题,也是进行水利、水运工程规划、设计、管理和工程可行性研究的基础工作。

    Studying on river shoal evolution is a fundamental work in the science of water conservancy , water conservancy projects and waterways planning , designing , management and engineering feasibility .

  17. 河流动力学研究成果表明,河床纵向稳定性取决于河道纵向水流输沙能力,而纵向水流输沙能力与纵向水流参数成比例。

    The research findings of river dynamics show that the longitudinal river-bed stability has a relation with the longitudinal sediment transport capacity which is proportional to the longitudinal flow parameter .

  18. 在简要回顾水力学及河流动力学发展历程的基础上,概括了本学科当前共同关心的学科交叉、比尺效应、数模鉴定和可持续开发等基本问题。

    Based on a brief historic review of hydraulics and fluvial dynamics , some of common concerned basic research topics are summarized as interdisciplinary , scale effects , judgement of numerical models and sustainable development .

  19. 分析后提出,大流域暴雨产沙模型必须建立以水文学和河流动力学为理论基础的混合模型。

    The paper puts forward through the analysis that sediment yield model of heavy rainfall of a large river basin must be built on a mixed model of taking hydrology and dynamics of streams as a theoretical basis .

  20. 河床形态的变化,及其所带来的水流结构、河床阻力及输沙能力调整等问题均是河流动力学学科的基础研究内容。

    The variety of river bed form and the problems such as flow structure , channel resistance and sediment transport capacity adjustment which is caused by its shape changes are the contents of fundamental research in the river dynamics field .

  21. CMF微生物菌剂修复河流污水的动力学分析

    A Kinetic Analysis of Bioremediation of Wastewater in Rivers by CMF Microorganism Preparations

  22. 影响岸坡稳定的因素大致可划分为地质、河流及水动力学、水文气象及人类活动因素,这4大因素既相互制约又相互影响。

    The factors influencing the bank stability can be roughly divided into 4 classifications of geology , river dynamics , hydrometeorology and human activity , which are influenced mutually .