
  • No problem;no question;out of question
  1. 最好检查一下他的眼睛,确保没有问题。

    It would be wise to get his eyes checked to ensure there is no problem .

  2. 因此,我们达成今年的目标应该没有问题。

    Consequently , we should have no problem reaching our goals this year .

  3. 她问我们有没有问题。

    She asked if we had any questions .

  4. 这大概没有问题。

    It 'll probably be OK .

  5. 我很容易就怀上了孩子。至少在那方面我没有问题。

    I became pregnant easily . At least I 've had no problems on that score

  6. 节目结束的时候,我问孩子们有没有问题想问我。

    At the conclusion of the programme , I asked the children if they had any questions they wanted to ask me .

  7. 他会成功,这是没有问题的。

    There is no question but ( that ) he will succeed .

  8. 没有问题是最大的问题。

    Without problem , the utmost problem .

  9. 如果你要成为一名航空工程师,那没有问题。

    If you 're going to become an aeronautical engineer , fine .

  10. 然后它到达了一个沙漠,"我经历了这么多的困难。我穿越沙漠应该没有问题,"她想。

    Then it reached a desert , " I went through so many difficulties . I should have no problem crossing the desert , " she thought .

  11. 当你认为一切都没有问题,事情进行都很顺利的时候

    When you think everything 's okay and everything 's going right

  12. 没有问题,这样“溜圈儿”是压根儿不合她口胃的

    No doubt this " promenading " was not at all to her taste .

  13. windows已检查文件系统并确定没有问题。

    Windows has checked the file system and found no problem .

  14. 检查摘要,如果没有问题,则单击Finish。

    Review the summary and if everything is as expected , click Finish .

  15. 技术中心形式的KM必需且有用,但这并不是说它就没有问题。

    Techno-centric KM is necessary and useful but is not without its problems .

  16. 对于那些采用了跨平台技术开发的WEB服务软件,从理论上说向Linux平台移植应该没有问题,但是在集成到Linux平台上之前巨大的兼容性测试和局部修改工作量将要耗费大量的人力物力。

    Those web service software introduced with cross-platform technologies , theoretically speaking , can be migrated to Linux with no difficulty .

  17. 由于Linux系统天生良好网络性能,使得系统在对外通信时使用TCP/IP协议完全没有问题。

    Because Linux system naturally good network performance , making system in correspondence when use TCP / IP completely without problems .

  18. 当我还是一个年轻的Web开发人员时,我可以夜以继日地朝任何指定的方向编码,完全没有问题。

    When I was just starting out as a young Web developer , I had no problem racing off in any given direction to code away night and day .

  19. 如果将该字符串设置为无效长度的值,该代码没有问题,但是生成的XML将无法通过验证。

    If the string is set to a value with an invalid length , the code is OK , but the XML generated fails validation .

  20. 又过了几个月,这个AIX程序一直运行,仍然没有问题。

    A few more months go by , and the AIX program continues to run consistently and without problem .

  21. 如果遇到问题,您可以调试它们,并确信SSL配置没有问题。

    If you have problems , you can debug them and be sure that the SSL configuration isn 't at fault .

  22. 8K仍然没有问题,但是显然会比2K时的速度要慢。

    8K is still okay , but obviously slower than2K .

  23. 尽管如此,将其运用到其他启用CDI的应用程序服务器应该也没有问题。

    However , you should have no trouble getting it to run in another CDI-enabled application server .

  24. 查看详细GC日志的主要原因之一就是检查应用程序的内存使用情况并确保其在某些方面没有问题。

    One of the main reasons for looking at verbose GC logs is to examine an application 's memory usage and make sure it 's not pathological in some way .

  25. 在MySQL中,如果要执行一个不提供NOTNULL列值的INSERT语句,此命令没有问题。

    In MySQL , if you try to execute an INSERT statement that does not provide a value for a NOT NULL column , the command is successful .

  26. 供应面没有问题,石油卡特尔组织欧佩克(Opec)必要时可立即启用逾600万桶/日的富余产能。

    Supply is not a worry , as the Opec oil cartel has more than 6m b / d of capacity to spare in a pinch .

  27. 在基于RHELV3.5的系统上,rpm-Uvhdmx-1.2.20040630-1.i386.rpm应当可以没有问题地安装好Xdmx应用程序。

    On RHEL V3.5-based systems , rpm-Uvh dmx-1.2.20040630-1.i386.rpm should install the Xdmx application with no errors .

  28. MXML和AS文件的智能代码补全,可以在两种文件间进行代码符号分辨,甚至在mx:Script块和属性值内也没有问题

    Smart code completion for MXML and AS files , with cross-resolution of code symbols between them , even inside of mx : Script blocks and attribute values

  29. 也许有的人可以数小时不断的录制声音,没有问题,班尼特对CNN记者说,但是我会感到特别厌倦所以这时我需要休息。

    There are some people that just can read hour upon hour upon hour , and it 's not a problem , Bennett explained to CNN . For me , I get extremely bored * So I just take breaks .

  30. 这是没有问题的直流注射到网格。

    There is no problem of DC injection to the grid .