
  • 网络gully density
  1. 沟谷系统发展,在沟间地依据沟谷密度分为密集类型、稀疏类型和中间过度类型,发育特点不同,主要受地形因子制约;

    The development of gully system may be divided into 3 types including the concentrated , sparsed and transitional in accordance with the gully density and are mainly restricted by topographical factors of the upland plain .

  2. 冲沟溯源侵蚀速度加快,如元谋地层上发育的冲沟,年均溯源侵蚀速度50cm左右最大达200cm,沟谷密度一般为3~5km/km~2;

    The speed of headward erosion of the gullies has been increased . The erosion speed of the gullies which are developed on the Yuanmou layer is about 50 cm / a , the maximum speed reached 200 cm / a.

  3. 研究表明,包括切沟在内的黄土丘陵区的沟谷密度值可高达20km/km~2以上;

    Density of gully in this area is so high that it can reach 20km / km2 ;

  4. 其中自然因素包括气候因素、植被因素、土壤因素、地形地貌因素、地质因素及水文因素,但起主导作用的是降水、植被覆盖度、土壤质地、地质岩性、地形坡度和沟谷密度等;

    Natural factors include climate , vegetation , edaphic factors , terrain , geological and hydrological factors . However , the main factors include rainfall , the degree of vegetation coverage , the soil texture , the terrain gradient and the ditch density geological lithology .