
  • 网络auto show;Car Show;Salon de l'Automobile
  1. 商贸中心,汽车展览中心,维修中心,大小购物超市,商店,饭店和咖啡馆布及展厅所在办公楼附近。

    There are business trade center , auto show center , service center , shopping supermarkets , store , hotel and coffee bar nearby the exhibition hall office building .

  2. 你为什么突然提到汽车展览?

    What are you suddenly bringing up the motor show for ?

  3. 今年的汽车展览规模空前。

    This year 's motor show is the biggest ever .

  4. 北京国际汽车展览中心,北京,中国

    Beijing International Automotive Expo Center , beijing , China

  5. 汽车展览负责人说除非协议达成,否则他们将为2011年车站寻找新场地。

    Car-show executives say they will consider other sites for2011 unless a deal is passed .

  6. 论汽车展览的展示设计

    On Show Design of Automobile Exhibition

  7. 近代中国汽车展览最早是从西方国家移植而来的。

    Automobile exhibition was transplanted from the western countries in the initial stage of modern China .

  8. 近代中国的汽车展览

    Automobile Exhibitions in Modern China

  9. 日内瓦汽车展览总是有一些特别的,这里,替代庞大的展示,制造商运用整齐和不落俗套的排列点燃汽车业春天的狂热。

    The Geneva Motor Show has always been something special : here , instead of mammoth shows , manufacturers use uncluttered and sophisticated displays to spark automotive spring fever .

  10. 汽车修理厂展览一辆新车。

    There 's a new car on show at the garage .

  11. 巴巴拉乘坐718路汽车去国际展览中心。

    Barbara is going to the International Exhibition Center on a No.718 bus .

  12. 环保汽车不再只是展览的未来趋势,已经成为大部分厂家的主要生产线。

    Eco-cars are no longer just for exhibition of future trends , but have become most companies'major product lines .

  13. 下星期将举办一个关于我国汽车工业发展的展览。

    There will be an exhibition of the development of automobile industry in our country next week .

  14. 汽车表演。那最好是个真正的。大型的汽车展览。

    The motor show , better be a really big motor show .