
  • 网络Car seat cover;car seat;hello kitty
  1. 鞣后工序对家具革或汽车座套革压花性能的影响

    Role of post tanning processes on the embossing properties of upholstery leather

  2. 黄牛汽车座套革加工工艺

    Technique of Cattle Auto Upholstery Leather

  3. 根据国产黄牛皮的特性,探索出生产高质量汽车座套革的生产工艺

    On the basis of the properties about domestic cattlehide , a processing technique for high quality upholstery leather was explored

  4. 佛山开洋汽车座套制造有限公司,是专业从事汽车座套生产加工达十余年的企业。

    Kaiyang ( Foshan ) Automobile Seat Cover Co. , Ltd has been specialized in processing automobile seat covers for more than ten years .