
  • 网络hannibal;Hannibal Lecter
  1. 他以饰演令人毛骨悚然的汉尼拔∙莱克特而著称。

    He is best known for his chilling portrayal of Hannibal Lecter .

  2. 《汉尼拔》的粉丝们可以放松了因为NBC已经正式续订这部杀手剧集的第二季。

    Hannibal fans can relax & because NBC has officially renewed the serial killer drama for a second season .

  3. 你必须诚实面对你的能力限度。——《汉尼拔》

    You have to honestly confront2 your limitations with what you do .

  4. 西门子风电部门的负责人汉尼拔(MichaelHannibal)称,海上业务的目标是到2020年将成本降低40%左右。

    Michael Hannibal , head of Siemens 's wind-power division , said the offshore industry aims to cut costs by around 40 % by 2020 .

  5. 公元前217年在汉尼拔伏击Flaminius领导的一支罗马军队的一次战斗。

    A battle in 217 BC in which Hannibal ambushed a Roman army led by Flaminius .

  6. 继将电视剧《糖衣陷阱》引进小屏幕取得成功后,NBC已将机会锁定《汉尼拔》,直接拍摄13集电视剧,取材于大家喜爱的连环杀手系列。

    Following the success of bringing The Firm to the small screen , NBC has decided to give a chance to Hannibal , giving a straight-to-series order of 13 episodes for the program about everyone 's favorite serial killer .

  7. 有幕战争场景赫赫有名,永载世界史册,那就是汉尼拔(Hannibal)骑着大象,率领大军翻越阿尔卑斯山脉(theAlps),将罗马人打了个措手不及,并发起一系列惊心动魄的大战。

    One of the most famous wartime scenes in all of world history is Hannibal crossing the Alps with his army riding on elephants to scare the Romans and give them a series of unforgettable battles .

  8. 公元前202年西皮奥在第二次迦太基战争决定性战胜汉尼拔的战斗。在第二次世界大战以前及大战期间,Schrader小组致力于发展化学战剂。

    The battle in 202 BC in which Scipio decisively defeated Hannibal at the end of the second Punic War . Prior to and during World War II , the efforts of Schrader 's group were directed toward the development of chemical-warfare agents .

  9. 汉尼拔:他们在屠宰春羔?

    Ha IBAL lecter : they were slaughtering the ring lam ?

  10. 没寄给她,是因为汉尼拔没写。

    It was never sent because Lecter didn 't write it .

  11. 让我们把汉尼拔驻军的营地卖了吧。

    Let us sell the field on which Hannibal is encamped .

  12. 你花了大把时间筑起心墙,汉尼拔

    You spend a lot of time building walls , Hannibal .

  13. 汉尼拔:那你的羊羔呢,克拉丽斯?

    Ha IBAL lecter : what became of your lamb , clarice ?

  14. 汉尼拔:史黛琳,你要去哪?

    Hannibal Lecter : Where were you going , Clarice ?

  15. 我想起了汉尼拔和巨石作战的故事。

    I remember a story about Hannibal fighting a rock .

  16. 是啊,我对古迦太基的了解,比汉尼拔他自己还多。

    Yeah , I know more about ancient Carthage than Hannibal himself .

  17. 费边持续不断地在不同地点与汉尼拔进行小规模的战斗。

    Fabius constantly skirmished and fought Hannibal on a few different occasions .

  18. 某位影评人提到了汉尼拔博士那令人毛骨悚然的特征。

    One critic mentioned the " terrifying qualities " of Hannibal Lecter .

  19. 但是,汉尼拔的恶魔们降临到他身上,折磨他。

    But hannibal 's demons visit him and torment him .

  20. 然后汉尼拔开始穿越阿尔卑斯山脉。

    So Hannibal began his trek across the alps .

  21. 汉尼拔:施展一下你聪慧的魅力。

    Hannibal Lecter : Enthrall me with your acumen .

  22. 而是命名为《暴风雪&汉尼拔和他的军队翻越阿尔卑斯山》。

    He says Snow Storm : Hannibal and His Army Crossing the Alps .

  23. 汉尼拔:说得像个真正的新教徒。

    Clarice starling : do right , and youspoken like a true protestant .

  24. 汉尼拔:但是你可以,不是吗?

    Hannibal lecter : but you could and you did , didn 't you ?

  25. 汉尼拔,这个女孩非常依赖她父母。

    Hannibal , this is a girl who was very attached to her parents .

  26. 汉尼拔:只是我的自由。你已经从我这夺走了。

    Hannibal lecter : just my freedom . you 'd take that from me .

  27. 不如你去跟汉尼拔谈谈?

    Why not have a conversation with Hannibal ?

  28. 你要非常小心汉尼拔莱特。

    Be very careful with Hannibal lecter .

  29. 你已经好久没为我们好好做一顿饭了,汉尼拔

    It 's been too long since you 've properly cooked for us , Hannibal .

  30. 汉尼拔那时正在翻越阿尔卑斯山。

    Hannibal was now crossing the alps .