
  • 网络hamming distance;Minimum Hamming distance
  1. 介绍了一种利用FPGA设计汉明距离的电路方法。

    This text introduced the design by FPGA to the Hamming distance by calculating circuit method .

  2. 结合权重分析、字符串最小汉明距离、基于感知哈希算法的图片相似度判断等技术,设计并实现了基于web系统的反网络钓鱼系统。

    The paper design and implement an web-based anti-phishing system on the basis of weight value 、 minimum hamming distance in string 、 image similarity judgment based on hash algorithm .

  3. 最后研究了环Z4上2~S长的循环码的汉明距离和Lee距离。

    Finally , the Hamming distance and Lee distance of cyclic codes of length 2 ~ s over ring Z_4 are studied .

  4. 使用汉明距离约束的LBP人脸识别算法基于汉明距离的无线传感器网络密钥预分配方案

    LBP-based face recognition method with Hamming distance constraint Key predistribution scheme using Hamming distance for WSN

  5. 在对图像分块处理后,提取图像块的HSV颜色分量,使用模糊汉明距离计算查询图像与库图像之间的相似性度量。

    After image segmentation , we extract HSV color features from each image block and compute similarity measurement between query image and database images with FHD .

  6. 为了更好地度量轮廓间的相似性和提高检索的效率,将HOG主分量特征进行循环二进制编码后,采用汉明距离进行特征匹配。

    To improve the efficiency and accuracy , HOG principal component features are iteratively encoded into binary codes , and Hamming distance is adopted to measure the similarity .

  7. 指出在插入一个简单差分编码网络后,线性码的优化问题在汉明距离与在欧氏距离上是一致的,从而解决了线性码编码的MSK调制问题。

    It shows that , by cascading a differential coding network , the optimization of a linear code ( block or convolutional ) in its Hamming distance is the same as in the Euclidean distance of its modulated sequences .

  8. 一种基于最小汉明距离的卷积码译码算法研究

    A Study of Minimum Hamming Distance Algorithm for Decoding Convolutional Codes

  9. 修正加权汉明距离在土地质量分级中的应用

    Application of Correction Weighted Hamming Distance in Classification of Land Quality

  10. 二元等汉明距离循环码及其对偶码

    Dual and Cyclic Code of Equal Hamming Distance and Its Antithesis Code

  11. 基于汉明距离的相关能量侧信道分析方法研究

    Research of Correlation Analysis Method of Power Side-Channel Based on Hamming Distance

  12. 根据汉明距离结合各指标的满意度曲线和重要度综合评判;

    Hamming distance in combination with satisfaction curve and importance of all indexes ;

  13. 等汉明距离编码的研究

    Study on of Cyclic Code of Equal Hamming Distance

  14. 利用汉明距离优选神经网络学习样本

    Selecting of Learning Samples Based on Hamming Distance

  15. 那么可以通过计算图片的二维码序列之间的汉明距离来表示图片之间的距离。

    So the Hamming distance between binary codes can represent the distance between images .

  16. 汉明距离发生器实现方案的研究

    Realization Research on The Hamming Distance Generator

  17. 构造了两个分别用于图论码的硬判决译码和软判决译码的前向神经网络,并证明所构造的前向神经网络能够实现图论码的最小汉明距离译码和最小软距离译码。

    Two feedforward neural networks for hard-decision decoding and soft-decision de-coding to graph theoretic code were constructed .

  18. 模糊聚类中汉明距离的计算可以较好地量化清单报价单价体系的合理性。

    The calculation of Hamming distance of Fuzzy clustering can measure rationality of the while unit price system well .

  19. 使用汉明距离进行计算,用它对虹膜间的相似程度进行判断,从而更好的进行特征匹配。

    Calculated using the Hamming distance , with its degree of similarity between the iris to judge , to better match the feature .

  20. 提出一种基于最小错误率的量化方法,和一种基于汉明距离的编码方法作为替代方案。

    And proposed a quantization method based on minim error rate and a binary coding method based on Hamming distance as a replacement scheme .

  21. 提取特征后,可以结合图像哈希以及图像感知哈希技术生成图像哈希,使用汉明距离进行图像的相似性度量。

    After feature extracted , use image hash or image perceptual hash to generate image hash , and use Hamming distance to measure image similarity .

  22. 结果表明,采用开关键控调制的系统,其汉明距离与欧式距离等价,因此不存在调制与信道编码参数匹配问题;

    Numerical results show that there is no matching issue for an OOK system using binary linear block code because its bijection between Hamming distance and Euclidean distance .

  23. 最后针对芯片上各焊盘的位置特点,以焊盘为模板,通过计算模板图像和目标图像之间的汉明距离来识别各焊盘的位置。

    Finally , according to the characteristic of positions of the die pads , their locations are fixed on through calculating the Hamming distance between the template image and the subject image .

  24. 引入了编码汉明距离的概念,根据汉明距离的大小所对应的编码检错能力,提出了具有容错能力的二进制编码设计方案,依据此方案设计的编码靶标可以增强视觉测量的鲁棒性。

    The paper introduces the code Hamming distance . According to the coding error detection capability from the code Hamming distance , a binary code scheme with fault tolerant has been proposed .

  25. 提出了传统户用计量仪表字轮数字化的新方法&汉明距离为1的编码和识别方法;详细的介绍了编码式字轮编码和识别方法的原理、特点;

    Present a novel digitizing method for the traditional home meters , i.e. , a novel Hamming encoding method , whose Hamming distance is one , and the principle of the novel identifying method for encoded digits .

  26. 引入模糊汉明距离这一理论,它是汉明距离在模糊理论的扩展,兼顾了特征值(此文中为颜色)的不同以及相异的程度。

    Fuzzy Hamming Distance ( FHD ) is presented , which is extension of Hamming Distance applied in fuzzy theory , considering both the difference between features ( the feature is color in this paper ) and degree of difference .

  27. 最后将实时监测到的特定程序的系统调用序列与正常的系统调用模式库进行匹配,采用汉明距离计算出他们的最大相似度,以判定是否出现入侵异常。

    Finally , the system calls sequence , which is obtained by the real-time monitoring specific procedures , match the pattern with the normal mode database , calculate their greatest similarity by Hamming Distance to determine whether there has invasion .