
shuǐ liàng
  • amount of water;water yield;the yield of water;ability in swimming
水量 [shuǐ liàng]
  • (1) [amount of water]∶水的多少,流量

  • 水量不足

  • (2) [ability in swimming] 〈方〉∶游泳的熟练程度及技巧

  • 水量很好

水量[shuǐ liàng]
  1. 基于MATLAB的AR及BP模型在矿井涌水量预测中的应用与比较

    Application and Comparison of AR and BP Model to Forecast Water Yield of Coal Mine Based on Matlab

  2. 偏最小二乘回归神经网络的矿坑涌水量预测

    Forecasting Water Yield of Mine with the Partial Least-Square Method and Neural Network

  3. 在干旱时期配给农民的水量减少。

    Water allotments to farmers were cut back in the drought .

  4. 村民每天的用水量限定为两升。

    The villagers are rationed to two litres of water a day .

  5. 要是用水量很小,就可以考虑装一个水表。

    If your water usage is very small it may be worthwhile opting for a meter .

  6. 专家们已就如何控制流入该蓄水池的水量给出了一些建议。

    Experts have provided some suggestions on how to control the amount of water flowing into this reservoir .

  7. 农业是一个极耗水的产业。农业耗水量占世界淡水资源消耗量的70%。

    Agriculture is a water-intensive business , accounting for nearly 70 % of global fresh water consumption .

  8. 我们使用的水量不应该超过需求量。

    We should not use more water than we actually need .

  9. 他们还增加了用水量过大的人的水费。

    They also increase water bills for people who use too much .

  10. 例如,他们给人们提供用水量较少的淋浴头和厕所。

    For example , they give people shower heads and toilets that use less water .

  11. 另外,他们还推出了支持项目,为减少用水量提供资金。

    What 's more , they carry out programs that offer money to reduce water use .

  12. 去年的一项研究得出结论:制造微生物蛋白质的土地使用效率要比种植大豆高出数倍,而且用水量仅需其十分之一。

    A study last year concluded that protein from microbes was several times more efficient than soya in terms of land use and required just a tenth of the water .

  13. GIS支持下的深层土壤含水量遥感调查方法

    A GIS Based Remote Sensing Method for Underground Soil Moisture Test

  14. 峰值识别的SVM模型及在时用水量预测中的应用

    SVM Model with Peak Value Recognition and Its Application to Hourly Water Consumption Forecasting

  15. 阐述了用VisualC++和ADS开发基于AutoCAD平台上的渠系量水量CAD系统的思想。

    This paper elaborates the idea of developing CAD system based on AutoCAD platform by Visual C + + and ADS.

  16. 另外Df与磨细灰的需水量比有一定的相关性。

    The relationship between the water requirement and Df is revealed .

  17. 影响SF6气体含水量测量因素的探讨

    Discussion on Factors Influencing Moisture Measurement of SF_6 Gas

  18. 电针对脑出血急性期脑组织含水量及SOD水平的影响

    The Effect of Electroacupuncture on the Water Content of and SOD Level in Brain Tissue in the Acute Stage of Cerebral Hemorrhage

  19. 由试验数据,得到了用PAM增加作物可用水量的定量关系。

    Experimental data were used to quantify the increased water availability to crop under PAM treatment .

  20. 结果实验组的左肺氧合功能,肺顺应性明显好于对照组,肺循环阻力、MDA值及肺含水量均低于对照组(P<0.01);

    Results The functions of lung in group ⅱ was significantly better than in the group I ( P < 0.01 ) .

  21. 田间持水量(58%wfps)时,N2O释放的稳定浓度达到最大;

    The highest concentration occurred at the field water capacity ( 58 % wfps ) .

  22. 采用人工控制土壤不同的含水量,研究水分胁迫对夏玉米生长和中微量元素Ca、Mg、Mn、Cu含量的影响。

    Contents of mid - element and micro - element Ca , Mg , Cu and Mn in summer maize were studied by control different water of soil .

  23. 种子萌发最适土壤含水量为8%~13%;种子发芽期对NaCl的耐受浓度为1.2%。

    The optimal soil water content was 8 ~ 13 % and the highest NaCl tolerance concentration was 1.2 % for seed germination .

  24. 研究中,通过改变日模型模拟的时间长度TP,来研究初始时刻土壤含水量的变化对洪水模拟精度的影响。

    In this paper , uncertainty in hydrological simulation is studied by altering antecedent soil water content parameters of the distributed hydrology model .

  25. 可以认为10%的含水量是MSE吸水饱和点。

    ~ 10 % water content is the saturate point of absorptive water of MSE conceivably .

  26. NIC报告还称,高层结构的垂直农业,也有助于提高产量和降低用水量。

    The NIC also reports that vertical farming in high-rise structures could help raise yields and reduce water consumption .

  27. 土壤样品中的含水量对HPGeγ谱仪探测效率的影响

    Effect of water content in soil samples on the γ detection efficiency for HPGe γ spectrometer

  28. 结果表明,在0.3%NaCl胁迫下,干物质重量、质膜透性、MDA含量略有增加,组织含水量略有下降;

    The results indicated that under the stress of 0 . 3 % NaCl , the dry matter weight , plasmalemma permeability and MDA content slightly increased but the water content slightly declined ;

  29. SiO2表面上制备纳米TiO2中水量对TiO2含量和形貌的影响

    Influence of water content on content and characteristic of tio_ ( 2 ) during preparation of tio_ ( 2 ) nanoparticles on sio_ ( 2 ) surface

  30. 土壤含水量为60%~75%田间持水量(θF)的植株叶片蒸腾和光合速率均居于较高水平,前期产量最高;

    At soil water content 60 % ~ 75 % field water capacity ( θ F ), the transpiration rate and photosynthetic rate of plants were higher then others , and the prophase yields were the highest .