
  • 网络Oxide ore;oxidized ore
  1. 高铁硫氧化矿在锌粉电炉中的实践

    Probe into Processing high Iron and Sulfur Bearing Oxide Ore in Zinc Powder Electric furnace Probe into Service Life of Zinc Powder Electric Furnace

  2. 酸渣磺酸盐在氧化矿浮选中的应用

    The Application of Acidic Slag Sulphonate in Oxide Ore Flotation

  3. 铜录山含金银Cu-Fe共生氧化矿综合回收的研究

    Comprehensive recovery of associated oxide minerals containing Cu-Fe

  4. 对某高SiO2低CaO铜钴氧化矿电炉还原熔炼的渣型进行了研究。

    The characters of slag produced by reductive smelting in arc furnace for treating copper and cobalt ore with high SiO 2 and low CaO content were studied .

  5. 碱性硫脲体系适合浸出经预处理的物相主要为SiO2的氧化矿,浸金率高达82.68%,为碱性硫脲成功应用于黄金工业生产提供了一定的理论依据。

    The alkaline thiourea system was suitable for leaching the pretreated oxidized gold ores in which the main phase was SiO2 . The gold leaching rate reaching up to 82.68 % suggests promising potential in commercial gold leaching processes .

  6. 针对包钢选厂铁精矿中氟含量高的问题,采用新型JF-3反浮选捕收剂、FA抑制剂对包头氧化矿系列中的铁精矿中的氟矿物的选别进行了研究。

    In view of the high fluorine content in the iron concentrate of Bao Steel 's Concentrator , JF-3 new collector for reverse flotation and FA depressor were used in the test on fluorine mineral separation from iron concentrate of Baotou oxidized ore series .

  7. 结果表明,微生物异化还原铁氧化矿时,NTA,AQDS在初始阶段显著加速铁氧化物的还原,但也加速磁铁矿的生成,阻碍反应继续进行;

    The results indicate that in the process of dissimilatory metal reduction , NTA and AQDS can accelerate the speed of ferric oxides reduction and magnetite generation in the initial stage , but magnetite production prevents further iron reduction .

  8. 包钢氧化矿选矿技术过程优化

    Optimization of the mineral separation technical process for Baogang oxided ore

  9. 糊精在氧化矿表面的吸附特性及作用机理

    Adsorption behaviour and interaction mechanisms of dextrin on oxidative mineral surface

  10. 铜钴氧化矿的两种处理工艺的比较

    Comparison of Two Processes for Treating Oxidized Copper and Cobalt Ores

  11. 仓上金矿氧化矿絮凝沉降试验研究

    Study on coagulating subsiding of oxidized ore in Chang-Shang Gold Mine

  12. 武山铜矿氧化矿室内可浸性试验研究

    The Leaching Test Indoor of Ore Oxides in Wushan Copper Mine

  13. 锰银氧化矿选冶工艺的研究现状及进展

    Review for recovery technique of silver - manganese oxide ores

  14. 复杂多金属氧化矿中金银回收技术研究

    Study on Gold and Silver Recovery Technology from Complex Multi-metal Oxidized Ore

  15. 氧化矿与原生矿呈上下交叉、水平交叉出现;氧化带的分布与现代地形无关,仅与古地形有关。

    Oxidized ore and primary ore occurred in level and vertical directions .

  16. 祁连铜矿氧化矿制海绵铜试验研究

    The testing research on manufacturing sponge copper with copper oxide ores of Qilian

  17. 永平铜矿低品位氧化矿堆浸技术的改进

    Improvement on Heap Leaching Technology of Low-grade Oxidized Ore at Yongping Copper Mine

  18. 兰坪铅锌矿氧化矿选矿工业试验研究

    Industrial test research of oxide lead-zinc ore in Lanping

  19. 氧化矿中银的回收工艺试验研究

    Testing on recovery technique of silver from oxidized ores

  20. 提高氧化矿回收率有效途径的研究

    A Study on the Efficient Way to Enhance the Recovery of Oxide Minerals

  21. 浮选机槽内矿浆紊流强度对氧化矿浮选的影响

    Effect of Turbulence of Pulp in Flotation Cell on Flotation of Oxidized Ore

  22. 介绍了氧化矿的直接酸浸及二氧化硅的溶解行为。

    Phenomena of Acid leaching of oxide ore and dissolution of silica are described .

  23. 硫脲法浸取小秦岭含金氧化矿的研究

    The study on gold leaching from oxygen ore in Xiao Qinling by using thiourea

  24. 微细粒浸染型金矿氧化矿提金扩大试验

    Extensive Tests of Extracting Gold from Oxidized Ore in the Fine grained Disseminated Deposit

  25. 利用细菌浸矿技术还可进一步回收氧化矿酸浸矿堆中浸后渣中的铜。

    Further copper recovery can be achieved from residue of industrial acid leaching process .

  26. 谈谈锌氧化矿的直接酸浸

    On Direct Acid Leaching of Zinc Oxide Ore

  27. 新型捕收剂FC9502在包头中贫氧化矿浮选中的应用研究

    Application of New Type Collector FC 9502 in Flotation of Low-grade Iron Ore of Baotou

  28. 因此,有必要继续加大对处理低品位氧化矿的研究力度和资金的投入。

    It was necessary to continue to research the low-grade oxides and increase input funds .

  29. 中贫氧化矿微波磁化焙烧-磁选工艺研究

    Study on Process of Microwave Magnetizing Roast plus Magnetic Separation for Medium-low Grade oxidized Ores Containing Hematite

  30. 含金氧化矿的浮选

    Flotation of auriferous oxidized ore