
  1. 气态星球上巨型浮游生物,它们像小型飞船那样漂在厚厚的大气中,靠“吃”闪电获取能量为生。

    Blimp-like creatures roaming the heavy atmospheres of gas giants sustain life by harvesting electrical discharges from powerful lightning flashes .

  2. 老师们和辅导员们的感觉应该像哈勃望远镜,隔着一个巨大的漩涡,遥望一个气态星球。

    Teachers and counselors must have felt like the Hubble telescope , peering across a vast gulf at a gaseous planet .

  3. 当我们发现附近没有没探索过的星球时,我们将把附近的一个气态星球变成一颗冒险行星。

    In the event that we can 't find a fresh planet then we replace a nearby gas giant with a adventure planet .