
qì ɡuǎn chā ɡuǎn shù
  • endotracheal intubation
  1. 气管插管术用于急症病人常见的问题及对策

    Common problems existed in endotracheal intubation applied for emergency patients and its countermeasures

  2. 实践证明,气管切开术优于气管插管术,因为插管可加重呼吸困难,有时甚至导致窒息。

    Our clinical practice proves that tracheostomy , generally speaking , is better than endotracheal intubation for the latter would aggravate the dyspnea and sometimes could even lead to asphyxia .

  3. PTCA导丝逆行引导小鼠气管插管术

    PTCA Wire-Assisted Retrograde Endotracheal Intubation in Mice

  4. 维库溴铵在急性颅高压气管插管术前的应用

    Application of Vecuronium Bromide for Patients with Acute Intracranial Hypertension Before Endotracheal Intubation

  5. 目的探讨提高紧急气管插管术成功的方式方法。

    Objectivee To explore the methods of increasing successful rate of urgent trachea intubation .

  6. 带管芯导管经鼻气管插管术

    Application of Transnasal Tracheal Intubation with Core Catheters

  7. 急诊科护士紧急气管插管术失败原因分析及对策

    Causative analysis on failure in emergency tracheal intubation of nurses in emergency department and its countermeasures

  8. 目的:评价小剂量舒芬太尼在经鼻盲探气管插管术中静脉镇静、镇痛的效果。

    Objective : To evaluate the effects of low dosage sufentanil used for blind nasotracheal intubation .

  9. 经鼻气管插管术的护理进展

    Nursing progress on nasotracheal intubation

  10. 目的探讨气管插管术在口腔颌面外科手术后气道安全维护中的作用,以及与气管切开术比较之优越性。

    Objective To discuss the role of retaining tracheal incubation in post-operative period of oral and maxillofacial surgery and its advantages compared to tracheotomy .

  11. 结论:小剂量舒芬太尼可适用于清醒盲探气管插管术中患者镇静和镇痛,并在降低心血管副反应方面具有一定的优势。

    CONCLUSION : Low dose sulfentanyl can be applied to the sedation and analgesia in conscious blind nasotracheal intubation , which can lower cardiovascular adverse reactions .

  12. 目的:直接喉镜气管插管术是麻醉过程中最强烈的刺激之一,其产生的交感神经刺激性反射常常会造成心血管的应激性反应。

    OBJECTIVE : Direct laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation is one of the most intensive stimuli in anesthesia and frequently induces a cardiovascular stress response due to reflex sympathetic stimulation .

  13. [方法]将146例床旁急救经口腔行气管插管术的病人,随机分为改良组76例和常规组70例。

    Method : A total of 146 cases accepted bedside emergency treatment with tracheal intubation via oral cavity were divided into test ( 76 cases ) and control group ( 70 cases ) .

  14. 气管插管全麻术后医院感染危险因素研究

    Risk Factors about Nosocomial Infection in Patients after General Anesthesia with Endotracheal Intubation

  15. 山莨菪碱用于小儿非气管插管全麻术后催醒的临床观察

    The clinical observation of anisodamine for non-tracheal intubation in children after general anesthesia wake-up

  16. 气管插管全麻术后医院内呼吸道感染的影响因素

    Impact Factors on Nosocomial Respiratory Tract Infections after Operations under General Anesthesia with Tracheal Intubation

  17. 快速气管插管组术毕待患者完全清醒后拔除气管导管、送监护病房。

    Patients in the rapid intubation group were subjected to extubation after sobering and sent to the care ward .

  18. 目的探讨重症手术患儿在气管插管全麻术后的感染危险因素及病原菌来源,以提供预防性使用抗生素的依据。

    Objective To investigate the risk factors and sources of surgical infection of severely ill children , and discuss the use of prophylactic antibiotics .

  19. 观察麻醉诱导、气管插管及术中的血压心率的变化、睁眼时间、拔除气管导管时间、术后疼痛情况。

    The hemodynamic changes during operation , the time of openning eyes , pulling out the tracheal tube and the post-operative pain were observed .

  20. 腭裂手术麻醉困难气管内插管的术前评估

    Preoperative evaluation of difficult endotracheal intubation for cleft palate patients

  21. 唇腭裂病人气管内插管麻醉术后喉头水肿的预防

    Prevention on laryngeal edema in infants with chilopalatognathus after underwent anesthesia by endotracheal intubation

  22. 目的通过回顾性调查分析,找出气管插管全麻病人术后并发下呼吸道感染的麻醉相关因素。

    Objective To evaluate anesthesia-associated factors of lower respiratory tract infection in patients with tracheal intubation general anesthesia .

  23. 全麻术后带气管插管入ICU病人术前教育的初探

    The Survey of Preoperative Education to Postoperative_Intubated_Patients in ICU

  24. 目的探求合理安全的麻醉诱导、气管插管方式和围术期的麻醉管理,降低阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(OSAHS)围术期的麻醉风险及病死率。

    Objective To explore rational anesthetic induction , way of tracheal intubation , and perioperative anesthetic management in order to lessen perioperative anesthetic risk and fatality of obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome ( OSAHS ) .

  25. 方法:对16例颌面部复杂骨折患者实施下颌下径路经口气管内插管麻醉,术中使用自行研制的引管装置辅助引管。

    METHODS : Sixteen cases of complex maxillofacial fractures were treated with submandibular endotracheal intubation , self-made tube was used to assist tube guidance during operation .

  26. 气管切开或气管插管术后并发下呼吸道感染76例原因分析及护理

    Analysis of the reasons to cause lower respiratory tract infections after applying tracheotomy or tracheal intubation in 76 patients with severe craniocerebral injury and nursing care

  27. 结果提示:病情重、体外循环时间长、气管插管留置时间长者术后早期并发症发生率高。

    There were a higher risk of early complication associated with severe illness and / or experienced a longer duration time of cardiopulmonary bypass and endotracheal tube .

  28. 结论氯利合剂用于儿科麻醉诱导具有血流动力学稳定,气管插管条件良好,术后恶心、呕吐发生率低的优点,用于儿童的麻醉诱导是可行的。

    Conclusion Ketamine-lidocaine anesthetic applied for children induction has the advantages of hemodynamics stability , acceptable intubation conditions and low incidence of PONV . The combination of ketamine with lidocaine for anesthesia induction of children is suitable .

  29. 实验组以带管芯的气管导管行盲探经鼻气管插管术,对照组则不带管芯。

    The catheters with core was selected in experiment group , and without core in control group .

  30. 气管插管全麻手术相关的消毒管理研究腭裂手术麻醉困难气管内插管的术前评估

    STUDY ON MANAGEMENT OF DISINFECTION RELEVANT TO GENERAL ANESTHESIA WITH TRACHEAL INTUBATION Preoperative evaluation of difficult endotracheal intubation for cleft palate patients