
mín zú shēnɡ cún
  • national existence
  1. 并采用那些构成我们民族生存力量的伟大共和国信条作为我的公众政策的基础。

    and to adopt as the basis of my public policy those great republican doctrines which constitute the strength of our national existence .

  2. 今天我们从总体上把握改革开放和现代化建设,由此引发对民族生存方式和社会发展的哲学思考,具有深远的现实意义。

    It is of great practical significance to our understanding of Chinese reform and open-door policy , to the building of modernizations , and especially to our philosophical reflections on national existence and social development .

  3. 重新思考民族生存与民族文化的关系&从《怀念振铎》论及巴金晚年有关民族文化的反思

    The Reflections on the Relationship Between Nation Existence and Nation Culture

  4. 大兴安岭东西两麓有众多小民族生存。

    There are many minor ethnos living around Daxing Anling region .

  5. 自主创新:民族生存与发展的必由之路

    Independent Innovation : Necessary Path for China 's Existence and Development

  6. 国防是一个国家和民族生存和发展的保障。

    National defense is national safeguard in terms of survival and development .

  7. 现代化与小民族生存问题探讨

    Modernization and the Survival of the Small Ethnic Group

  8. 退耕还林成为中华民族生存与发展的根本大计,这不仅关系到当代人的生存与发展,而且关系到子孙后代的生存与发展。

    Stopping farming land reforestation has become basic tactics of subsistence and development .

  9. 民族生存与发展的深层透视&中华民族爱国主义的历史观照和现代价值审思

    On the Existence and Development of the People

  10. 因此,传统图形是一个民族生存和发展的重要特征。

    Therefore , traditional graphic is an important feature of national survival and development .

  11. 语言,是一个民族生存所必需的呼吸,是它的灵魂之所在。

    Language is a national survival required " Odem " , it is the soul .

  12. 第三章从个人生活、民族生存的记忆与遗忘这两个层面来探讨。

    The third chapter discusses the memory and forgetting in personal life and national survival .

  13. 其精神价值是民族生存繁衍的支柱。

    Its spiritual values are the pillars of the existence and procreation of the nationalities .

  14. 发达国家的衰落忧患与少数民族生存忧患并存。

    Worries about the decline in developed countries and those about survival in minority nationalities coexist .

  15. 环境友好是古老中华民族生存智慧的现代释言。

    " Eco-Friendliness " is a modern interpretation for the survival wisdom of the ancient Chinese nation .

  16. 进而提出了特定民族生存环境与文化适应的关系问题。

    The author further proposes that the survival environment of certain nationality has some relationship with its acculturation .

  17. 我很高兴相信在我们作为一个民族生存的每一个时期,在人民大众中已经存在,

    I am happy to believe that at every period of our existence as a nation there has existed ,

  18. 国防是民族生存之盾,国防意识则是民族生存之魂。

    National defense is the shield of national survival , national defense awareness is the soul of national survival .

  19. 战争是政治的继续,是民族生存意志的最高体现。

    War is the extension of politics as well as the highest presentation of a nation 's will for survival .

  20. 神社是日本神道信仰的凝聚物,它扎根于日本民族生存发展的生活基层。

    Jinja is a coagulation of Japanese Shinto 's belief which took root in the basic life of Japanese nationality .

  21. 是中华民族生存和发展不朽的精神支柱和不竭的动力源泉。

    Immortal is a spiritual pillar for the survival and development of the Chinese nation and an inexhaustible source of motive .

  22. 文化是民族生存和发展的本质性力量,是国家和社会发展的直接推动力。

    Culture is essential power of national subsistence and development , and the direct driving force of the development of a country .

  23. 农业可持续发展是关系中华民族生存与发展的长远大计和根本问题。

    It counts the existence and development of our nation and is the key to the glorious dream of China 's revival .

  24. 教育是一个国家、一个民族生存和发展的一个非常重要的因素,而义务教育是教育的根本。

    Education is an important factor for a country and a nation in the future survival and development , and especially for compulsory education .

  25. 发展是哲学范畴,也是有关世界各民族生存繁荣的实际问题。

    Development is a philosophic category as well as an actual issue related to the existence and prosperity of all nations in the world .

  26. 在这个连环套中,生境是民族生存的基础,文化既是民族在应对生境过程中的创造物,又是民族实现自身发展的前提。

    Culture is not only the creation in the process of dealing with living environment but also the prerequisite for nations to realize their development .

  27. 我国耕地资源的保护对本民族生存和国民经济的发展以及我国农业可持续发展战略具有重要意义。

    Protecting our land resource is of great significance for national existence , the development of the national economy and sustained development strategy of our agriculture .

  28. 对中国人的民族生存方式、民族心理素质、价值观念、审美观念等都产生了深远的影响。

    In short , they have a far-reaching influence on the way of existence , intellectual quality , moral ethics and esthetic values of the Chinese nation .

  29. 文化是一个民族生存和发展的精神命脉,在社会发展和进步中始终担当着旗帜和号角的重任。

    Culture is the life-line for the survival and development of a nation , always carrying the role of banner and horn in the social development and progress .

  30. 在30年代以后,日本的入侵强化了民族生存的危机感,这一文化历史情境所凸现的是振作民族精神、增强民族自信力的问题。

    After 1930s , invasion of Japan strengthened the live crisis of nation , and also present a problem which is how to bestir nation spirit and self-confidence .