
mín shēng
  • the people's livelihood;the peoples livelihood
民生 [mín shēng]
  • [the peoples livelihood] 民众的生计

  • 国计民生

民生[mín shēng]
  1. 近年诗歌的民生关怀

    The People 's Livelihood Solicitude of Chinese Poetry in Recent Years

  2. 民生思想与社会主义思潮及其在中国的发展

    The People 's Livelihood Ideology , Social Ideologies , and China 's Development

  3. 南水北调工程是实现我国水资源优化配置、促进经济社会可持续发展、保障和改善民生的重大战略性基础设施。

    The South-to-North Water Diversion Project is important strategic infrastructure .

  4. 民生进一步改善

    Living standards continued to improve

  5. 消除贫困、改善民生、实现共同富裕是社会主义的本质要求。

    Ending poverty , improving people 's well-being and realizing common prosperity are the essential requirements of socialism .

  6. 我们始终坚定人民立场,强调消除贫困、改善民生、实现共同富裕是社会主义的本质要求。

    China upholds the principle of putting people first and emphasizes that ending poverty , improving people 's well-being and realizing common prosperity are the essential requirements of socialism .

  7. 谋划“十四五”时期发展,要贯彻以人民为中心的发展思想,坚持发展为了人民、发展成果由人民共享,努力在推动高质量发展过程中办好各项民生事业、补齐民生领域短板。

    When making plans for the 14th Five-Year period ( 2021-2025 ) , we must insist that development is for the people with the benefits shared by the people , and more efforts should be made to improve weak links concerning people 's livelihood4 , while striving for high-quality development .

  8. 设在佐治亚州的美国湾流宇航公司(Gulfstream)最近与民生银行(MinshengBank)签署了总额为26亿美元的谅解备忘录。

    Georgia-based Gulfstream recently signed a $ 2.6 billion Memorandum of Understanding with Minsheng Bank .

  9. 长期以来,单纯追求的GDP经济增长方式带来了许多问题,GDP的高速增长并不一定能实现民生福利的改善。

    For a long time , the growth way of economic which pursuit GDP simply , has brought many problems , the rapid growth of GDP is not necessarily to achieve the improvement of welfare .

  10. 中国民生银行(ChinaMinshengBank)在上周提交的一份监管申报文件中表示,它通过销售一系列安邦产品,获得的服务费收入高达600亿元人民币(合87亿美元)。安邦持有民生银行18%的股权。

    China Minsheng Bank , in which Anbang owns an 18 per cent stake , said in a filing last week that it may earn up to Rmb60bn ( $ 8.7bn ) in service fees by distributing a range of Anbang products .

  11. 这部电影的全部投资来自新画面影业公司(NewPicturesFilm),此外还有两家中国的银行——中国银行(BankofChina)与民生银行(Minsheng)——的赞助,但好莱坞当红影星的加盟表明了美国与中国电影界之间关系密切。

    The film was fully financed by a Chinese company , New Pictures Film - with support from two banks : Bank of China and Minsheng - but the presence of one of Hollywood 's biggest stars is indicative of the close ties that have developed between the US film industry and China .

  12. 电视民生新闻平民话语权研究

    The Research about Civilian Right of Speech in TV News Livelihood

  13. 解决民生问题,第一要有制度的保障。

    To improve people 's well-being , we need institutional guarantee .

  14. 我们的官员应该关注民生。

    Our government officials should be concerned with people 's life .

  15. 第二,是不断改善民生。

    Secondly , we need to work constantly improve peoples lives .

  16. 民生新闻的出现,掀起了中国电视新闻第三次革命。

    Civic news reporting begins the third revolution in media system .

  17. 农村社会事业发展与民生改善问题研究

    Development of Social Work in Countryside and the Improvement of Livelihood

  18. 民生是一个历史概念。

    The livelihood of the people is a historical concept .

  19. 其三,解决民生问题是个过程。

    Third , to resolve livelihood issues is a process .

  20. 其后分析了民生银行的可转债的资金成本以及发行对其财务指标的影响;

    We study its capital cost and the influence on financial indicators .

  21. 中国特色社会主义民生理论涵盖了理论目标和主要内容两大方面。

    This theory contains two aspects-theory goals and main contents .

  22. 不同的时期、不同的发展状态下有不同的民生追求。

    People pursue different livelihood during different periods and different developmental states .

  23. 药品安全也是其中重点强调的民生问题之一。

    Drug safety was one of the important people ' slivelihood problems .

  24. 你觉得检验民生用品是不是很重要呢?

    Why do you think it is important to test consumer goods ?

  25. 电视民生新闻传播研究

    On the Communication of Television News about People 's Livelihood

  26. 第一,推动发展中国家民生事业发展。

    First , help improve the livelihood of people in developing countries .

  27. 就业问题是基本而重大的社会经济问题,解决就业成为各国经济和社会政策生死攸关的问题,所以,就业是民生之本。

    It is a basic but important social economic problem .

  28. 第3章,民生评价指标体系的构建。

    Chapter Three , establish evaluation index system of livelihood .

  29. 新闻热线在地方民生新闻中的重要作用

    The Important Role of News Hotlines in Local Everyday Life

  30. 略论民生主义经济思想的渊源

    An Exploration into Origin of the Economic Principle of People 's Livelihood