
  • 网络Folklorist;folklorists
  1. 不同于其他学科,民俗学者、人类学家把目光聚焦于民众日常生活中的仪式。

    While folklorists and anthropologists pay more attention to daily living things for ceremony study .

  2. 早期民俗学者的田野考察及其方法探索

    The Field Work and the Exploring Methodology of the Early Folklorists

  3. 所以,有必要从中国民间文学、民俗学者的广泛实践中,提炼概括出中国民俗学学派特征的研究方法。

    Therefore , it is necessary to sum up the characteristic research methodology of China 's folklore .

  4. 下面就来听听一些民俗学者找出的关于端午节的趣事。

    Now let 's hear from some folklore scholars to find out fun facts about Duanwu Festival .

  5. 作者认为民俗学者应当站在学术、社会和人文的立场上来对待、研究这一现象。

    The author holds that scholars should study these phenomena from different perspectives of academy , society and humanity .

  6. 版画书夹是我国山东地区特有的一种婚俗物品,它嫁接了木版年画的生产工艺,是近年来才被广大民俗学者注意的新类目。

    As one of the special wedding articles in Shandong Province , the print clamp has been noticed by the scholars of folklore in recent years .

  7. 根据人类学家、民俗学者、医师、医学研究者,以及基督教宣教师的调查和研究,童乩仍持续在社会中替人治病。

    According to the research of anthropologists , folklorists , medical doctors , researchers in medical science , and Protestant pastors , shamans continued to treat people for diseases from the forties on .

  8. 民俗变异与民俗学者的立场

    The Variations of Folklore and the Positions of the Scholars

  9. 本文阐述了“中国民俗学会”艰难、曲折的创建过程,寄希望于新一代民俗学者承前启后,继往开来。

    This article relates to the arduous process of the founding of China Folklore Society hoping that the folklore scholars of new generation carry on the past and open a way for the future .