
  1. 对这段民俗学史的研究历来为众多学者所关注。

    Many experts focus on this part of folklore .

  2. 民俗之民,即民俗主体的范围,在中外民俗学史上一直是引起争议的问题,近年来尤为引人关注。

    The question who is the " the folk " of folklore is a long-term problem that arouses disputes in folklore history , attracting more attentions in recent years .

  3. 杂志设有学术论坛、田野调查报告、民俗史、民俗学史、民俗书林、学术信息等栏目。

    The column set up in the journal includes academic forum , fieldwork report , folk custom history , the history of folklore , books on folklore and academic information etc.

  4. 明确在日本都市民俗学发展史上出现过城乡连体论与城乡二元论;理解近代化是一个变化过程,都市化则是变化后产生的新事象。

    Specific Urban folklore in Japan occurred in the history of urban and rural development and urban-rural continuum of dualism ; understanding of modernization is a process of change , urbanization is the change resulting from things like new .

  5. 《论语》中的民俗学价值是客观存在的,对于其中的民俗内容,进行认真发掘、整理,为研究春秋时期民俗文化及民俗史提供理论基础,为我国民俗学史研究发现新的素材。

    The value of " The Analects of Confucius " indeed exists . To search and study the contents from the folk aspect , which provide the theory foundation in culture and folklore as well as the new topic in folklore history .