- 名jural relations of civil litigation;legal relationship of civil action

Theory about the relationship between litigation rights and jural relations of civil litigation .
The Legal Relationship in Civil Procedure 's Dissection and Restructure
Analysis to system of legal relationship in civil lawsuit
Further Research of Civil Litigation in Legal Relation
Reconsideration on Issues of Civil Procedural Legal Relation
Accordingly , it should gain an independent procedure subject qualification in the civil proceedings legal relation .
Fraud litigation is not true civil litigation legal relationship , and is different from the breach of trust .
The theory of legal relation of civil litigation is one of the three theoretical cornerstones in civil procedural law .
Legal relationship in civil procedure occupied some certain status in mainland law family as well as Chinese law system of civil procedure .
By using system theory to examine the system of legal relationship in civil lawsuit , the system features in this relationship can be detected .
So , this article probes into how to restructure the legal relationship in civil procedure system basing on dissecting it nowadays in our country .
Then I will also discuss the model of litigation and litigation elements , because these two concepts and the civil legal relationship have distinction and connection .
The relation of ship arrest is a kind of civil procedure legal relation . All of subject , object and content of relations of ship arrest should be lawful .
It points out that the essence of litigation surprise is , from the perspective of the relation between litigation subjects and relation of civil procedure law , a kind of litigation activity .
The legal relationship in civil procedure refers to the jural relations among parties of an action , the jural relations between parties of an action and other litigant participants as well as the jural relations between courts and all the litigant participants .
The fourth chapter is the core chapter of this article . In this chapter , the civil litigation law relationship established condition and civil litigation law relations subject , object , the content and the facts of civil procedure will be discussed .
In order to reveal the essence of various legal relations of civil litigation in China and help to realize the fair civil justice , we should study the relation in the Chinese constitutional context .
Considering the special role of procuratorial organs , the author herein tries to testify that legal relation of civil litigation is a kind of special societal relation consisting of legal relation of adjudication , controversial lawsuit and prosecution supervision .
The System of Evidence on Civil Retrial is the floorboard for adjusting civil retrial law relationship , indicating such rules and priciples of according to evidence to prove truth of cases or other correlative .