
  • 网络Folk Religion;popular religion
  1. 民间宗教与中国社会(下)

    Popular Religion and Chinese Society ?

  2. 民间宗教与中国社会

    Popular Religion and Chinese Society

  3. 罗教是明清时期一支比较重要的民间宗教。

    Ming Luo religion is more important during a civil religion .

  4. 第二部分,具体分析缺损型民间宗教代表&白水灵宫。

    The second part , dissect the typical case Baishui temple .

  5. 探析江南文化对江南民间宗教信仰的影响

    Analysis of the Jiangnan Cultural Impact on the Jiangnan Civil Religion Belief

  6. 近代中国政治中的民间宗教与秘密结社论略

    The Folk Religion and the Secret Mass Organizations of Modern Chinese Politic

  7. 海峡两岸民间宗教文化的基本特征

    The Basic Features of the Folk Religious Culture Between Taiwan and the Mainland

  8. 由此,可将民间宗教分为多种类型。

    So there is several kinds of folk religion .

  9. 民间宗教多表现为小群体或初级群体的形态。

    Folk religions mostly exist in the form of small groups or elementary groups .

  10. 明末民间宗教发展原因探析

    Why the Religions Among the People Developed Vigorously in the end of Ming Dynasty

  11. 民间宗教信仰中的国家意识和乡土观念&以潮汕双忠公崇拜为例

    National Consciousness and Provincialism in Folk Religious Beliefs

  12. 试论中国古代的民间宗教

    A Study of Folk Religions in Ancient China

  13. 明代后期,宝卷已随着民间宗教传入甘肃地区。

    In the late Period of the Ming , Baojuan transmitted into Gansu with religions .

  14. 试论明清道教与民间宗教中的女性问题

    The issue of womenfolk in unauthorized religions and Taoism in the Ming and Qing dynasties

  15. 从宗教意义上看,小说生动而又十分丰富地展示了民间宗教的活动场景与信仰状态;

    In religion , it shows the activities and belief 's status of civilian religion .

  16. 对民间宗教价值的反思&以湖南文江为案例

    Reflection on the Value of Folk religion

  17. 民间宗教的乡村化生存、流变与政府治理&以宋明清时期的考察为背景

    The Existence and Development of Folk Religions and Their Governmental Management in Chinese Rural Areas

  18. 道教与民间宗教在炼养思想上同中有异。

    There are both similarities and differences in thought cultivation between Taoism and folk religion .

  19. 拜上帝会本质上是一个传统的中国民间宗教组织。

    The congregation of the worshipper of God was a traditional Chinese civil religion organization essentially .

  20. 其民间宗教的特征十分明显,神秘主义的色彩异常浓厚。

    Its characteristics of folk religion was very obvious , and its features of mystical color thick .

  21. 另外,国内专家学者对基督教民间宗教化现象阐释的相关研究较少。

    And the otherwise , they study few about the interpretation of Christian folk phenomenon in China .

  22. 壮族麽教和壮族师公教都是壮族原生型民间宗教。

    The Zhuangs'Mo religion and the Zhuangs'Shigong religion are two original folk religions of the Zhuang Nationality .

  23. 他们使得他们的诗句与民间宗教紧密相连,是梵语文献所不知或忽略的。

    They brought to their poetry a familiarity with folk religion unknown or ignored in the Sanskrit texts .

  24. 小说作为一种较通俗的文学形式,与民间宗教有着天然密切的联系。

    As a popular kind of literature , novel bears natural and close relation to the non-governmental religion .

  25. 受传统的影响,江华瑶族百姓认为必须坚持这样的民间宗教信仰。

    By tradition , Jianghua Yao ethnic people believe that we must adhere to such a civil religion .

  26. 而民间宗教则呈现出其非正式影响的秘密性、地位的弱势与充满生机并存。

    But the folk religion presents its unofficial influence secret , the status weak trend and vital coexisting .

  27. 《九歌》是《楚辞》中一组比较特殊的诗歌,它是中国文人文化和民间宗教祭祀文化的伟大结合。

    The Nine Songs is revised by great poet QuYuan , and it contains the reviser 's deep emotions ;

  28. 政府、市场、政治集团、民间宗教组织、军队皆属于制度。

    Governments , markets , politic groups , religious and civil organizations , and the military are all institutions .

  29. 当代台湾民间宗教信仰与政治关系之研究(1949&2004)

    The Studies of the Relationship between Contemporary Folk Religious Belief and Politics in Taiwan ( 1949 & 2004 )

  30. 宋元书院与地方文化&吉州地区书院、学术与民间宗教

    Academies in Song and Yuan Dynasty and Local Culture : Academy , Academic and Folk Religions in Jizhou Region