
háo bù fèi lì
  • 熟语Effortlessly;without striking a blow
  1. 他们毫不费力地赢得了比赛。

    They won the game without striking a blow .

  2. 他们毫不费力地占领了这个城市。

    They occupied the city without striking a blow .

  3. 这么多的资料一按键便可毫不费力地查到。

    All this information is readily available at the touch of a button .

  4. 他毫不费力地找到了那地方。

    He found the place without difficulty .

  5. 我今晚能毫不费力地把它完成。

    I can easily finish it tonight .

  6. 资料这么多,你几乎可以毫不费力地找到事实真相。

    There is so much information you can almost effortlessly find the facts for yourself

  7. 他毫不费力地举起了这块大石头。

    He lifted the big rock without effort .

  8. 我们应该能够毫不费力地击败对手。

    We should be able to knock the other team over without any trouble .

  9. 那是你学得最好的科目,你应该能够毫不费力地通过考试。

    It 's your best subject and you should be able to pass the exam standing on your head .

  10. 管理家庭预算肯定是一项非常艰巨的任务,但她让它看起来毫不费力。

    Managing the family budget must have been a very hard task , but she made it look effortless .

  11. 当一只黑猩猩被关在笼子里,他可以为自己拉进来一盘食物,或者毫不费力地把隔壁喂给另一只黑猩猩的食物盘拉过来,这时它会随机地选择一盘食物拉进去——他只是不在乎隔壁的黑猩猩饱饿问题。

    If a chimp is put in a cage where he can pull in one plate of food for himself or , with no great effort , a plate that also provides food for a neighbor to the next cage , he will pull at random --- he just doesn 't care whether his neighbor gets fed or not .

  12. 你身边的任何人都会毫不费力地说出他的遗憾。

    Anyone around you will have no difficulty in telling his regrets .

  13. 75%的情况下他们都能毫不费力地表达出自己的情绪。

    They were able to tell the emotions 75 percent of the time without any difficulty .

  14. 慕利延毫不费力地把箭折断了。

    Mu Liyan broke the arrow without any effort .

  15. 从圆木上掉落下来比在上面行走容易得多。因而Aseasyasfallingoffalog就被用来形容一项毫不费力的工作。

    Dancing is as easy as falling off a log .

  16. 用户可以毫不费力地创建出自己的作用域和自定义事件(比如Web请求的作用域)。

    Users can easily create their own scopes and set up custom events ( e.g.a web request scope ) .

  17. 这个标准的、但是有争议的最小公因子方法,可以让您毫不费力地将Java应用程序嵌入Groovy脚本。

    This standard , but arguably least-common-denominator approach , allows you to embed a Groovy script effortlessly .

  18. 在《心流:一种美妙的心理状态》(Flow:ThePsychologyofOptimalExperience)一书中,齐克森米哈里提到,在心流状态下,工作毫不费力,你会感觉到:

    In Flow : The Psychology of Optimal Experience , Csikszentmihalyi says you know you 're in flow when the work is effortless , when you feel :

  19. 作为一位惠普(HP)信息技术(IT)专家,在他妻子工作调动时,他能毫不费力地找到工作或调换工作。

    As an information technology specialist for Hewlett-Packard , he has had no problem finding work or transferring when his wife moves .

  20. 我可以采用Groovy的方式建立一个罚单模型,并毫不费力地保存它。

    I can simply model a ticket in a Groovy fashion and save it almost as effortlessly .

  21. 约旦国王阿卜杜拉(KingAbdullah)毫不费力就更换了一位总理,但仅凭新面孔并不能创造就业或繁荣。

    It costs King Abdullah little to replace one prime minister , but new faces alone will not create jobs or prosperity .

  22. 我花了一年多时间就毫不费力的可以读懂纽约时报,但是很久以后才华勉强读完DaVinciCode。

    It took me more than a year is effortless can read the New York times , but long after reading Da Vinci Code talent reluctantly .

  23. 所有的J2SE应用都可以毫不费力地扩展为可以与一个JMS消息传递系统进行交互。

    Absolutely any J2SE application can be extended to interface with a JMS messaging system with minimal effort .

  24. 您可以毫不费力地编写代码让Groovy类与LotusDomino交互,但我们推荐将应用程序逻辑作为帮助函数分离到Java类中。

    You could just as easily write code that allows the Groovy classes to interact with Lotus Domino , but we prefer separating the logic of the application as helper functions within the Java classes .

  25. 所以如果您编写OpenEJB组件,那么您可以毫不费力地用正常的JUnit测试运行它们。

    So if you write OpenEJB components , you can run them with your regular JUnit tests with no muss or fuss .

  26. PowerHASystemMirror中有多种复制技术可用,使得高可用性环境的维护毫不费力。

    With the various replication technologies available within PowerHA SystemMirror , maintenance of your high availability environment is pain-free .

  27. Web2.0并不是执行新内容;而是以不同的方式执行相同的内容,并保持“毫不费力地实现人员之间的无缝连接”这一最前沿的目标。

    Web2.0 is not about doing new things ; it is about doing the same things differently keeping the foremost goal of " Connecting people to people effortlessly and seamlessly " .

  28. wilkinsoneyre养成了一种成功的习惯,即建造优雅、看似毫不费力的建筑物,而这些建筑物会迅速成为或者复活为城市中心的“名片”。

    Wilkinson Eyre has made a successful habit of creating elegantly , and seemingly effortlessly , engineered structures that quickly come to define new or revived city centres .

  29. 为了好玩,我把它连到了一台外接显示器上,同时打开了几十个窗口中和标签,有NetflixInstant,有YouTube,也有Spotify、电子邮件和网站等&结果毫不费力。

    Just for kicks , I hooked it up to an external monitor , enabling dozens of windows and tabs simultaneously & Netflix instant , youtube , spotify , email , web sites .

  30. 为确保毫不费力地转移到HD环境中,编辑人员可以编辑和输出HDV内容到硬盘或DVD-R驱动器,无须HDV摄像机或录像机。

    Ensuring a painless transition to the world of HD , editors can edit and output HDV content to hard disks or DVD-R drives without requiring an HDV camera or deck .