
bì yè shè jì
  • Graduation Project;graduation design;Graduation Thesis
  • diploma(winning) design
毕业设计 [bì yè shè jì]
  • [diploma(winning) design;graduation design] 在高等院校各种技术科学专业本科生毕业前,考察他们综合利用专业知识和技术,设计解决某一实际问题的能力的总结性作业

  1. 在本次毕业设计中,作者基于信息融合原理研究设计了具有嵌入Internet功能的新型粮食水分测定仪。

    In this graduation project , the author designed a new embedding internet grain moisture measuring instrument based on the information fusion principle .

  2. 本次毕业设计所要实现的系统为基于UNIX/Linux环境平台下的WAP网关代理。

    The system of the Graduation Project is a WAP Gateway and Proxy based on the UNIX / Linux environment .

  3. 基于Web的毕业设计选题系统研究与应用

    Design of Subject-selection System for Graduation Project Based on Web

  4. 基于WEB的毕业设计双向选题系统

    System of Two-way selection of Topics of Graduation Design Based on Web

  5. 基于Internet环境的毕业设计初探

    Discussion of Graduate Design in the Internet Environment

  6. 计算机辅助设计(CAD)应用于毕业设计的利与弊

    The advantages and disadvantages of using CAD in civil engineering project graduate design

  7. 一个毕业设计。用vc编写的一个简易测谎仪后台软件。

    Vc used to prepare a summary of the background polygraph software .

  8. delphi毕业设计02学校班级教学管理系统。

    ZIP-delphi design of02 schools graduating class teaching management system .

  9. IE专业毕业设计及论文多元化模式研究

    The industry engineering professional diversified graduation design mode research

  10. NET技术开发的B/S结构毕业设计选题系统的功能进行了详释。

    NET , and explains the functions of graduation design topic-selecting system developed with ASP . NET technology under B / S mode .

  11. 基于JSF的毕业设计过程平台设计

    Design of Graduation Design Process Platform Based on JSF

  12. 本毕业设计的目标是设计基于嵌入式Linux和电子墨水显示技术PDA的底层驱动。并实现对用户应用程序的透明。

    The graduation design objective is to design and electronic ink display technology based on embedded Linux PDA bottom-driven .

  13. 基于JSF和JPA框架的毕业设计管理系统

    Graduation Project Management System Based on JSF and JPA

  14. SolidWorks软件在机械类毕业设计中的应用

    Application of SolidWorks Software in the Enginery Graduation-Project

  15. 基于PDCA的土木工程专业毕业设计过程控制

    Civil engineering speciality graduating design process controlling based on PDCA

  16. 我的毕业设计的核心任务是:采用FPGA来制作一个基于VHDL语言编写的数字电压表。

    I graduated from the core task is to design : FPGA to create a VHDL-based language of the digital voltmeter .

  17. 利用NiosⅡ平台加强本科毕业设计指导

    Improving Instruction on Undergraduate Thesis Design by Nios ⅱ

  18. 并在第三章叙述了本次毕业设计提出的DC-DC转换器的系统结构及工作模式。

    And chapter 3 describes the system structure , operating modes and performance of the DC-DC converter .

  19. 此次毕业设计的重点是网站应用程序对数据的访问,其中前台技术采用基于B/S模式的ASP。

    The keystone of this design is that web site application programs access data . Thereinto , the technology of front end adopts ASP .

  20. 运用ISO9000标准构建体育院校学生毕业设计(论文)质量管理体系的探讨

    On Discussing Quality Management System of Graduation Project ( Thesis ) of Physical Institute Students by Using ISO9000

  21. 在分析系统需求的基础上,给出了毕业设计管理系统的UML模型,包括Usecase图、交互图、对象类图、协同图和配置图。

    A UML model of the Graduate Design Management System was presented , including Use case diagram , interaction diagram , object class diagram , cooperation diagram and configuration diagram , based on analyzing of system requirement .

  22. 本人在毕业设计期间参加了CMOS图像传感器系统架构设计和从感光电路到模数转换器的整个模拟链的设计工作。

    During my graduate design term , I have taken part in design of CMOS image sensor system and analog chain from pixel to analog to digital convertor .

  23. 本篇毕业设计论文完成的是基于FANUC数控轴承内圆磨床电气控制系统的设计。

    This graduate thesis completed design is based on the FANUC CNC Internal Grinder bearing electrical control system design .

  24. 利用SqlServer网络数据库,结合JSP技术开发的网上选报毕业设计题目系统,可实现教师动态发布毕业设计题目、学生在线选报、留言板等功能。

    Use SQL server network database and JSP technology on the graduation project topic choosing system , it can realize the teacher dynamic issue graduation project topic , the student on-line chooses function and soon .

  25. 分析了传统机械类毕业设计方法的弊端和应用SolidWorks进行三维设计的优势;

    The article analyzed malpractice of the traditional methods used in enginery graduation projects and the advantages of carrying on the 3D design by using SolidWorks ;

  26. 随着AutoCAD教学的深入,以及AutoCAD在课程设计和毕业设计中的应用,一些常用的图形或符号一般都做成块,但块的调用浪费时间,影响绘图效率。

    Along with deepgoing of the AutoCAD teaching , and application of AutoCAD in design of course and graduate , General graphs or symbols are made into pieces normally , but pieces used waste time , influence drawing efficiency .

  27. 结合土木工程专业(房屋建筑结构设计)毕业设计,将毕业设计分成4个阶段,利用PDCA质量控制循环原理,设计了一个基于PDCA较为详细的毕业设计过程控制。

    As to civil engineering speciality , take the house building structure design for example , the graduating design was divided into four phases , and according to quality control PDCA cycle principle , a detailed process controlling based on PDCA for graduating design was contrived .

  28. 充分利用和发挥URP信息技术平台的优势,加强教学资源建设,优化毕业设计过程控制,改进传统的毕业设计管理流程,建立毕业设计知识管理体系,以提高毕业设计教学质量。

    By making full use of the University Resource Plan ( URP ) information technical platform , we can provide more educational resources , set up the process control of the graduation project , reform its management , and establish a knowledge management system to improve its quality .

  29. 论高职毕业设计的创新教育

    On the Innovation Education of Graduation Design of Higher Vocational Education

  30. 城市规划毕业设计教学的实践和体会

    The practice and experience of city planning graduation design 's teaching