
bǐ sà
  • Pizza;Pisa;Piza
  1. 救济物资正从比萨的一个仓库空运过来。

    The relief supplies are being flown from a warehouse in Pisa .

  2. 人们往往经过spa或洗浴后都会精神焕发、神采奕奕,当然比萨斜塔也不例外。

    We all tend to stand that little bit straighter after a good wash and brush-up . And that includes the not-quite-so-Leaning Tower of Pisa .

  3. 我们在城里一家比萨店用餐。

    We ate at a pizzeria in town .

  4. 他在比萨店里找到一份洗盘子的工作。

    He got a job washing dishes in a pizza parlour

  5. 专门的比萨烤箱比普通家用烤箱效果更好。

    A real pizza oven gives better results than an ordinary home oven .

  6. 他认为自己比萨拉聪明。

    He thinks he 's smarter than Sarah is

  7. 他们已经实现了系统的计算机化,以保证比萨的送货准确无误。

    They have computerized systems to ensure delivery of the right pizza to the right place

  8. 我猛吃了一通比萨或奶昔。

    I binged on pizzas or milkshakes .

  9. 要想得到比萨店的特许经营权,需要支付一大笔钱。

    It takes hundreds of thousands of dollars to get into the franchised pizza business .

  10. 亚马逊老板杰夫·贝佐斯说,“如果我看到午餐超过两个比萨,这个团队就太大了。”

    Jeff Bezos , Amazon 's boss , says that " If I see more than two pizzas for lunch , the team is too big . "

  11. 放学后和周末我在比萨店帮忙。

    I helped out at the pizzeria after school and at weekends .

  12. 附近有没有比萨店?

    Is there a pizza parlor in the neighborhood ?

  13. 我吃了一整张比萨,现在正逐渐进入饭气攻心状态。

    I ate the whole pizza and now I 'm slipping into a food coma .

  14. 他们说,如果人们意识到要走四个小时才能燃烧掉一个比萨的热量,要跑22分钟才能燃烧掉一个巧克力棒的热量,他们就不会那么想吃这些食物了。

    They say people would be less tempted2 if they realise it takes four hours to walk off a pizza and 22 minutes to run off a chocolate bar .

  15. “人质午餐”是公司给员工买的快餐,通常是比萨,因为老板需要员工在午餐时间开会或工作。

    Hostage lunch is meal purchased by the company , often pizza , and delivered for employees who bosses require them to attend a meeting or work over their lunch hour .

  16. RSS是比萨快递员,会把新鲜出炉的比萨送上门。

    RSS is your pizza guy , bringing fresh-baked data right to your door .

  17. 典型的数据库标准会建议需要先创建一张比萨表,然后再创建一张将比萨ID与浇头ID关联起来的多对多表。

    Classic database normalization would say to create a Pizza table , and then a many-to-many table relating pizza IDs to topping IDs .

  18. 发酵剂和凝乳酶对比萨专用Mozzarella干酪品质影响研究

    Studies on Effects of Culture Starters and Coagulants on the Quality of Mozzarella Cheese for Pizza

  19. 首先,到达比萨斜塔本就不易,要从罗马(Rome)坐三个多小时的火车到佛罗伦萨(Florence),然后再坐一个小时才能到达目的地。

    First , there is the inconvenient fact of getting to Pisa , which is a three-hour-plus train ride from Rome and nearly an hour train ride from Florence .

  20. 如果不需要如此多的浇头,则可以将若干个浇头字段包括在比萨表中(topping1、topping2等等)。

    If infinite toppings aren 't needed , you can include several topping fields in the Pizza table ( topping_1 , topping_2 , and so on ) .

  21. 比萨斜塔在意大利语里也叫做TorrePendentediPisa,既是一座纪念碑也是一个奇迹。

    Also known as Torre Pendente di Pisa , the Leaning Tower of Pisa doubles as both a monument and a mystery .

  22. 里克在自己家族的酒店企业工作(凯西在一家比萨店当服务员),1978年从丹佛大学(UniversityofDenver)毕业后在一家房地产投资公司工作,之后决定单干。

    Rick works in his family 's hotel business ( while Kathy waits tables in a pizzeria ), graduates in ' 78 from the University of Denver , then works for a real-estate investment firm until he decides to go solo .

  23. 连锁餐厅——比萨马上诺(PizzaExpress)的人力资源总监阿曼达•安德伍德(AmandaUnderwood)对使用领英招聘餐厅员工很乐观。

    Amanda Underwood , human resources director at PizzaExpress , the restaurant chain , is optimistic about using LinkedIn to recruit restaurant staff .

  24. 于是苏菲和我来到米凯尔比萨店(Pizzeriada)我们刚刚点的一人一份的饼,使我们为之疯狂。

    So Sofie and I have come to Pizzeria da Michele , and these pies we have just ordered - one for each of us - are making us lose our minds .

  25. 市中心忙碌的泛亚餐馆Moriki是柏林大厨DucNgo最近开的,菜肴包括挑战陈规的寿司比萨。

    In the city center , a buzzy pan-Asian restaurant called Moriki was just opened by the Berlin-based chef Duc Ngo with a menu that includes envelope-pushing courses like sushi pizza ;

  26. 进餐中途,我才琢磨出面皮尝起来不像我吃过的任何比萨面皮,倒像是印度面包(nan),柔软耐嚼,却特别薄。

    The dough , it takes me half my meal to figure out , tastes more like Indian nan than like any pizza dough I ever tried . It 's soft and chewy and yielding , but incredibly thin .

  27. 前比萨连锁GodfatherPizza总裁,唯一的黑人候选人,茶党最喜爱的候选人,表示总统没有明确的战略就进入利比亚,现在则冒着紧张形势升级的风险。

    Former Godfather Pizza CEO Herman Cain , the only black candidate and a tea party favorite , said the president had gone into Libya without a clear strategy and now risks having the situation escalate .

  28. 1812年,它和土耳其比萨拉比亚或Bugeac都被俄国吞并,被叫做比萨拉比亚。

    It was annexed by Russia in1812 , together with Ottoman Bessarabia or Bugeac , and was called Bessarabia .

  29. 唐帕特里克(Downpatrick)22岁的艾施利(Ashleigh)说:“我最爱吃比萨和冻肉,基本上一星期吃两次。”

    Ashleigh , 22 , from Downpatrick , says ' My favourites are pizza and frozen meals which I have about twice a week . '

  30. 根据咨询公司欧睿(Euromonitor)的数据,2008年麦当劳是印度最大的西方快餐连锁企业,收入为66亿卢比,是销售额为32亿卢比的达美乐比萨的两倍多,而收入仅为15亿卢比的肯德基远远落在了后面。

    McDonald 's was India 's biggest Western fast-food chain in 2008 with revenues of Rs6.6bn , according to Euromonitor data . That was more than double Domino 's sales of Rs3.2bn . KFC , with revenues of Rs1.5bn , lagged far behind .