
  1. 从认知修辞学系统来分析应为运用了通感性比喻的修辞手法。

    Analyse from the cognitive rhetoric system that should be for using the perceptual rhetoric tactics that liken of understanding .

  2. 孟子还善于运用比喻的修辞手法,其文中比喻的运用历来都被人们所称颂。

    Mencius also adept at the use of rhetorical devices of metaphor , its text has been the use of metaphor has been much praise .

  3. 它由两部分组成,主要运用比喻和双关的修辞手法,以达到诙谐,形象,讽刺等表达效果。

    Xiehouyu , which is made up of two parts , mainly employs two rhetorical skills , metaphor and pun , to achieve humorous , vivid and satirical effects .