
  • 网络contemporary ceramics
  1. 全球化语境下对中国当代陶艺的反思

    Reflection on Chinese contemporary ceramic art in the context of Globalization

  2. 中国当代陶艺的批评视角与文化选择

    The Critical Angle and Cultural Choice of Chinese Ceramics Today

  3. 是是非非&尴尬中的当代陶艺

    Right or Wrong & modern pottery design is in embarrassed

  4. 现代艺术状态中的中国当代陶艺

    China contemporary ceramic art id the position of modern art

  5. 跋涉中的选择&面对现代艺术的中国当代陶艺

    The choice while treking & In the face of modern art of China 's contemporary pottery art

  6. 冲突中的释放&中国当代陶艺的现代观念蓄清排浑水库运用方式与淤积过程关系探讨

    Releasing in Conflicts Relationship between operation and sedimentation processes for the " storing clear and releasing muddy " reservoirs

  7. 乐天陶社很荣幸能在上海和景德镇举办美国当代陶艺展览:同舟共济。

    The Pottery Workshop takes pleasure in hosting Shared Journeys : American Art in China in both Shanghai and Jingdezhen .

  8. 中国当代陶艺历经近三十年的风雨,呈现出多元化发展的格局。

    Modern ceramic art in China after nearly thirty years of wind and rain , showing a diversified pattern of development .

  9. 本文旨在针对中国当代陶艺批评的现状,描述其变化过程和从中形成的批评状态以及文化选择。

    This article talks about the present situation , the changing status of criticism and the cultural choice of Today 's Chinese Ceramics .

  10. 本文从中国当代陶艺的现代性入手,旨在探讨对待西方现代、当代艺术的正确态度,以及传统陶艺与现代陶艺的关系等问题。

    This thesis explores modernity in Chinese contemporary ceramic art for the purpose to develop a right attitude to the western art and the relationship between Chinese traditional and modern ceramic art .

  11. 在文章的第三部分则是通览当代陶艺的国际发展格局和各个国家地区的创作风格,试呈现出一个较为客观的当代陶艺发展现状。

    At the third part it attempts to reveal an objective development situation of modern pottery through revealing international development pattern of modern pottery and creative styles of different countries and areas .

  12. 更有甚者,当代陶艺家把制陶的整个过程看作自己生命体验的缩影,从选料制坯到上釉烧成每个环节都饱含其对泥土的敬仰以及对生命的热爱之情。

    Even so , some contemporary ceramists take the whole process as a microcosm of their own life experience , from the election of mud to glaze and firing every full of admiration as well as love of life .

  13. 认为真正展现当代陶艺批评视角应从本土经验出发,在这基础上借用西方后结构主义,语用学等知识,构造出必要的理论背景,并以此表示和传统陶瓷批评不同的价值立场。

    It takes the view that the true critical angle is rooted in the local experiences first , and then borrow from Western post structuralism and knowledge of pragmatics to form its necessary theoretical background and the different value system from the traditional pottery and porcelain criticism .

  14. 第五届中国当代青年陶艺家作品展作品

    Works of The Fifth Work Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Young Ceramists

  15. 尴尬与价值&当代生活陶艺的现实和问题

    Embarrassment and Value - Realities and Issues of Contemporary Living Ceramics Art

  16. 论当代石湾陶艺的发展

    On the Development of Contemporary Shiwan Ceramic Art

  17. 论当代艺术对陶艺发展的影响

    On Influence of Contemporary Art upon Development of Pottery Art

  18. 追寻文明前人类的自由与解放&韩国当代具像陶艺代表艺术家作品浅观

    Pursue Human Freedom and Revolution Before Civilization-Superficial Observation of Korea 's Contemporary Impressionism Ceramic-art Representatives ' Works

  19. 当代优秀的陶艺家们和九十年代的实验水墨艺术家们一样,正在以各自的艺术语言和表现形式来阐述他们对生活的感受和社会的体验,来宣示他们的艺术追求和生活价值观念。

    Contemporary outstanding and the 90 's experimental artists are same , by respective artistic language and the manifestation elaborated they to the life feeling and society 's experience , declare their artistic pursue and the life value idea .

  20. 并试验性的提出提升当代家居环境中陶艺价值的途径。

    And experimental proposed the way of how to promotion the value of ceramic arts in contemporary domestic environment .

  21. 面对当代艺术与当代陶艺存在的这些问题,本文指出:全球化并不是指西方文化的一极化,而是一种多元文化交流与融合。

    Facing these problems , the author draws a conclusion that the globalization does not only mean westernization , but multicultural exchanges and fusion .

  22. 本文分别从市场基础、审美、经济三个方面研究当代家居环境中陶艺的价值。

    This article chose from the market foundation , esthetic , the economical three aspects studies the values of ceramic arts in contemporary domestic environment .

  23. 艺术只有回归到民族文化与当代生活的现实中,才是全球化语境下当代艺术与当代陶艺的出路。

    So the return of art to native culture and our modern lives is the right way for the development of the contemporary art and ceramic art in the globalization context .

  24. 最后,通过分析具有代表性的当代陶瓷艺术作品,来探讨在现代主义背景下,林风眠瓷画艺术对中国当代陶艺的启示。

    Finally , analysis of representative works of contemporary ceramic art , to explore the modernist context , Lin Chinese contemporary art of porcelain painting pottery in China .

  25. 古老的陶瓷材料作为当代艺术的媒介正承载着时代文化内涵,传达着当代艺术观念,展现出崭新的姿态与艺术面貌,同时推动着当代陶艺向着更广阔的空间发展。

    As the contemporary art media , the ancient ceramic material is carrying cultural connotation of the times , conveying the concept of contemporary art , exhibiting a brand new attitude and art appearance , and meanwhile promoting the contemporary ceramic art to develop in wilder space .