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wāi wāi xié xié
  • 熟语Askew;not upright;leaning in different directions
歪歪斜斜 [wāi wāi xié xié]
  • [tremulous] 由震颤的状态所引起的,或属于颤抖的人或物的特征的状态

  • 歪歪斜斜的字迹

  1. 破旧的松木地板歪歪斜斜地铺到一个乔治王时代风格的窗户跟前。

    Battered pine floors slanted down to a Georgian window .

  2. 你满屋子都是歪歪斜斜的画框&你有意这样。

    You have a house full of crooked picture frames on purpose .

  3. 在他们歪歪斜斜走着之字形回来时,被风吹得全然把握不住方向。

    And blown sheer out of their course in trying to get zigzag back .

  4. 裤子全都是歪歪斜斜的,裤脚已经磨损,上衣也已破旧并且褪了色。

    Trousers were all warped and frayed at the bottom and coats worn and faded .

  5. 地板,顶棚,舱侧全都歪歪斜斜。

    The floor , the ceiling , and the side , are all awry . '

  6. 我见到西蒙•威勒的时候,他正在破破烂烂的矿山屯子安吉尔那座歪歪斜斜的酒馆里,靠着吧台旁边的炉子舒舒服服地打盹。

    I found Simon Wheeler sleeping by the stove in the ruined mining camp of Angel 's.

  7. 马丁的小家庭住在匹尔斯堡一个有着歪歪斜斜的铁丝篱笆、青草生长得过于茂密的低房租地段的一间公寓里。

    He lived in an apartment in a low-rent Fort Pierce neighbourhood of listing wire fences and overgrown verges .

  8. 他唉声叹气说,笔直朝上,它就这样点着;可是,我的心房却全都歪歪斜斜了。

    he groans , " straight upward , so it burns ; but the chambers of my soul are all in crookedness ! '

  9. 在小白盒的一侧,有一个五岁的小孩用蜡笔不合章法地写的名字埃里克,字体歪歪斜斜。

    Written on the side of the box in crayon , with five-year-old hands , in letters that did not match and leaned to one side , was the name " Erick " .

  10. 我们在大餐桌前停下来,桌上满是杂乱的咖啡杯、子和餐盘,他们都歪歪斜斜的,下面压着几十张着好的餐巾纸。

    We stopped in front of the big table ; its surface covered with a mess of coffee cups , saucers and dinner plates , all sitting crooked on dozens of folded paper napkins .

  11. 西关外靠着城根的地面,本是一块官地;中间歪歪斜斜一条细路,是贪走便道的人,用鞋底造成的,但却成了自然的界限。

    There was a governmental area by the city wall in Xiguan , in the middle of which there was a small path which was caused by people who would like to take a shortcut .

  12. 如果我的学生正歪歪斜斜的在比赛的热身场地里,抓着缰绳象醉汉抓着路灯杆,我必须立刻做些什么保证马匹和骑手都安全。

    If my student is careening around the warm-up arena , hanging on the reins like a drunk on a lamppost , I have to do something right now to make that horse and rider safer .