首页 / 词典 / good

  • blunt;dull;stupid;dull-witted
  • 不锋利,不快,引申为不顺利:这把刀真~。成败利~。

  • 笨,不灵活:~滞(a.迟钝呆滞;b.不锋利)。迟~。愚~。拙嘴~舌。


(不锋利) blunt; dull:

  • 成败利钝

    success or failure, sharp or dull -- victory or defeat;

  • 刀钝了。

    The knife is blunt.


(笨拙;不灵活) stupid; dull-witted:

  • 迟钝

    dull-witted; slow

  1. 刀钝了。

    The knife is blunt .

  2. 斧头太钝,砍不倒树。

    The axe is too blunt to cut down the tree .

  3. 钝吻鳄的嘴吧嗒一声闭上了。

    The alligator 's jaws snapped shut .

  4. 刀子太钝了,割不开东西。

    The knife is so dull that it will not cut .

  5. 拙匠怨器钝。

    A bad workman quarrels with his tools .

  6. 那把小刀很钝。

    The knife is dull .

  7. 蛋随着一声钝响爆炸了,立刻散发出一种极其可怕的气味。

    There was a dull explosion as the egg broke , and then a horrible smell .

  8. CT对腹部钝伤的诊断价值与限度

    Evaluation and limitation of CT scan in diagnosing blunt abdominal viscera trauma

  9. 目的:分析肺部钝性伤的CT征象。

    Purpose : To analysis the CT features of blunt injury on lung .

  10. 肺部钝性伤的CT征象分析

    Analysis CT Manifestation of Blunt Injury on Lung

  11. 材料与方法:对45例肺部钝性伤的病人胸部CT表现进行分析。

    Materials and Methods : 45 cases pulmonary CT with blunt injury were studied .

  12. 钝性创伤性胸主动脉损伤的电子束CT诊断

    Diagnosis of acute thoracic aortic injuries after blunt trauma by electron beam computed tomography

  13. 钝性肾损伤的CT表现及临床价值(附39例分析)

    CT manifestations and clinical value of blunt renal trauma ( analysis of 39 cases )

  14. 钝伤肝撕裂的CT平扫诊断

    Conventional CT Diagnosis of Blunt Liver Laceration

  15. 结果双极食管导联记录到的窦性P波由圆钝直立的右心房电位和尖锐高大的左心房电位组成。

    Results Sinus P wave recorded by bipolar esophageal lead consisted of right atrial potential and left atrial potential .

  16. 钝性脾损伤的CT诊断

    CT diagnosis in blunt splenic trauma

  17. 胰腺钝性伤的CT诊断

    CT diagnosis of blunt pancreatic trauma

  18. 目的:探讨腹部钝性伤所致肾上腺损伤的CT征象。

    Objective : To evaluate the CT signs of acute adrenal injury caused by blunt abdominal trauma .

  19. CT平扫诊断钝性脾损伤的灵敏度为94%,诊断正确率为91%

    The sensitivity and accuracy were 94 % and 91 % respectively in splenic trauma by using non-contrast-enhanced CT .

  20. B组部分大鼠肝脏边缘变钝,肝叶之间、肝脏与腹膜之间出现粘连。

    In group B , some liver 's border become blunt , there are conglutination between lobes or lobes and peritoneum .

  21. CT诊断肝硬化的独立性预测指标是结节性肝表面、肝实质异常、门静脉高压及肝边缘变钝;

    Irregular or nodular liver surface , liver parenchyma abnormalities and portal hypertension were the best predictive signs for MRI .

  22. 结论DC患者室性早搏后的HRT现象变钝。

    Conclusion HRT is dramatically blunted in DC patients .

  23. 首先,利用CAD技术设计了具有流线型头形的列车模型A、模型B以及钝头型模型C。

    Firstly , model A and B which with streamline head shape together with model C with blunt head are designed by CAD technology .

  24. 钝感药剂CP的性能及评价

    Performance and Evaluation of Insensitive Composition - CP

  25. 钒污染对CRC-3FCC催化剂选择性的影响及钝钒剂的研究

    The effects of vanadium on selectivity of CRC-3 FCC catalyst and vanadium passivator

  26. 钝性胸部伤致ARDS和肺外脏器损伤机制

    Pathogenesis of ARDS complicated with extra pulmonary organ injury caused by blunt chest trauma

  27. 钝体冷态流场的PIV实验研究

    The PIV experimental investigation on cold-state wake behind bluff-body

  28. 目的探讨钝力致脑弥漫性轴索损伤(DAI)的法医病理学鉴定依据。

    Objective To investigate the indicators for identifying diffuse axonal injury by blunt forces in forensic pathological practice .

  29. Budd-Chiari综合征:下腔静脉闭塞钝性开通的技术探讨

    Budd-Chiari syndrome ; puncturing occlusion of inferior vena cava with blunt wire

  30. 二阶迎风TVD数值格式在非平衡高超声速钝体绕流中的应用

    Applications of a second-order upwind TVD scheme to nonequilibrium hypersonic flows around blunt-body