
zhènɡ chánɡ jià ɡé
  • normal price;regular price
  1. 国内证交所正考虑引入熔断机制,以防范资本市场发生非正常价格波动。

    Mainland bourses are contemplating1 the introduction of a circuit-breaker mechanism2 to arrest abnormal price swings on capital markets .

  2. 他们以正常价格的一半销售物品。

    They were selling the goods at half the normal cost .

  3. 一张票的正常价格是230英镑。

    The normal price of a ticket is $ 230 !

  4. 精制食盐99美分,比正常价格便宜20美分。

    Table salt , 99 cents , 20 cents off the regular price .

  5. 从而扰乱整个金融体系的正常价格关系。

    Disrupting normal price relationships across the financial system .

  6. 在日本,薯片的售价是正常价格的6倍。

    Potato chips in Japan are being sold for 6 times their normal price .

  7. 但是,正常价格的计算又是十分复杂的并且具有许多不确定性因素。

    However , the normal price calculation is quite complicated and has many uncertain factors .

  8. 海鲜的价格常常高出正常价格好几倍。

    The price of sea food has often been several times higher than their normal level .

  9. 当然,他们的商品价格也高得吓人,是正常价格的3&4倍,有时甚至更高!

    Of course , their prices were exorbitant-three to four times the regular price-or even more !

  10. 此外,该公司还以不到正常价格一半的售价,推出了一款启始包。

    In addition , it launched a starter pack for less than half the normal price .

  11. 我建议你买正常价格的单程经济舱,555美元。

    I want to advise you to pay the normal one-way economy class fare of $ 555 .

  12. 日本的宽带每月花费18美元,不到美国正常价格的一半。

    Broadband in Japan costs just $ 18 per month , less than half the typical U.S. price .

  13. 由于农业持续遭受极端天气的打击,现在还不能确定正常价格会是什么样。

    As the agriculture business continues to reel from severe weather , normal prices have yet to be determined .

  14. 现在您可以以低于正常价格40至50美元的单价,拥有冷创冰箱。

    Now you can own the Lektron Kool for $ 40 or $ 50 less than the regular price .

  15. 不过,在美国也有很多促销活动,在促销期间各类商店都会把他们的正常价格降下来。

    However , there are many sales in the United States , during which time stores will lower their normal prices .

  16. 不过,在美国也有很多“促销”活动,在促销期间各类商店都会把他们的正常价格降下来。

    However , there are many " sales " in the United States , during which time stores will lower their normal prices .

  17. 再者,基础利益与期货,已及基础利益与期权的正常价格关系可能不复存在。

    Further , normal pricing relationships between the underlying interest and the future , and the underlying interest and the option may not exist .

  18. 第五部分是商品期货市场非正常价格风险典型案例,分别介绍郑州小麦期货和上海橡胶期货风险案例。

    At last the part gives two cases on abnormal price risk , which are about the Zhengzhou Wheat Futures Market and Shanghai Rubber Futures Market .

  19. 在这六种实验情境下,目标商品价格折扣的绝对值是相同的,同时计划购买的两种商品的正常价格的总价值也是相同的。

    On the six experiment condition the absolute value of the price discount was the same as well as the total of regular price of planned purchases .

  20. 他说:第一次去看一级方程式的汽车比赛,真是妙不可言,并且我只花了正常价格的一半。

    " It was marvellous to see Formula One for the first time , and I got the package for about half the normal price ," he says .

  21. 如果某产品以低于正常价格进入另一国商业领域,即被视为倾销。

    A product is to be considered as being ~ ed , i. e. , introduced into the commerce of another country at less than its normal value .

  22. 但不论如何,今年夏天,柠檬将或多或少回归正常价格,正好来得及让你调一杯冰凉解暑的米切拉达酒。

    Nonetheless , you can expect to see the citrus staple reappear -- at ( somewhat ) normal prices -- this summer , just in time for an ice-cold Michelada .

  23. 国际贸易中的倾销是指一国的出口商将某种产品以低于出口国国内市场的正常价格销售至另一国市场的行为。

    Dumping in the international trade refers to a behavior that exporters in one country sell a product to another countries ' market for less than the domestic market price in exporting country .

  24. 接受中国官方媒体采访的卡车司机们表示,他们被迫从当地居民那里以4倍于正常价格的价钱购买方便面。几天来,他们只能坐在那里打扑克,或只是呆在自己的车里休息。

    Truck drivers interviewed by Chinese state media said they were forced to buy instant noodles at four times their original price from local residents while they sat for days playing cards or just resting in their vehicles .

  25. 第三部分是商品期货市场非正常价格风险产生的成因分析,剖析了新形势下的四种风险来源;第四部分是商品期货市场非正常价格风险控制的对策,提出了控制风险的若干对策。

    The third part talks about the main cause for the risks of China 's futures market and explains the four sources of risk under the new environment , fourth the fifth part suggests some new measures on abnormal price risk control .

  26. 有时候,商品的价格只是先被抬高,然后再降到“特价”,其实就是正常价格。或者有时候,厂商会在库存信息上作假,骗你买和你计划买的东西不一样的商品。

    Sometimes the item was marked up just before the sale and then marked back down to its normal price as the " deal , " or sometimes manufacturers pull a fast one with SKUs that fool you into buying something different from what you intended .

  27. 残酷无情大雪和冰冻的温度使得四个城市超额支付数千清扫街道的费用,而现在很多地方面对道路撒盐问题拮据,这就迫使工作人员要么削减要么支付三倍于正常价格现在供不应求的其他白色物质。

    The harsh unrelenting snow and freezing temperatures have four cities across the country to shell out thousands in overtime pay to plow streets and now many areas are running low on road salt , forcing crews to cut back or pay three times the regular price for the other white stuff , now in short supply .

  28. 摄影器材的市场定价与正常销售价格。

    List of Manufacturer set price and regular price on the market .

  29. 许多这类公债都是非流动性的,因此达不到正常的价格。

    Many of these securities are illiquid , so regular prices are not available .

  30. 我们统购粮食,是按照正常的价格。

    The state purchases grain at standard prices .