
  • 网络Normal loan
  1. 首先,从考察贷款分类入手,描述了正常贷款生成不良贷款的五个区间过程,分析了我国商业银行不良资产的成因。

    First , the article sees about the classification of loans , describing the five processes which arise bad loans in normal loan activities . and analyze the causes for our commercial bank bad assets .

  2. 长期以来,中国银行按期限将贷款质量划分为正常贷款和不良贷款。

    For a long time , China 's loan quality is divided into normal and unsound categories in terms of the time limit .

  3. 与此同时,国有商业银行的贷款增长较快,在正常贷款中也还蕴藏着许多潜在风险。

    Meanwhile , along with the fast growth of loans , it will bring in much more new potential risks to the national commercial banks .

  4. 如果钱被再借给房地产公司,将危害房地产开发商和其他各行各业公司的正常贷款。

    That would endanger formal loans to property developers , as well as loans to other kinds of companies , if they re-lent the money to property firms .

  5. 格林斯潘在纽约经济俱乐部(economicclubofnewyork)发表演讲时说:“为了稳定美国的银行体系,恢复正常的贷款活动,将需要更多的问题资产救援资金。”

    In a speech to the Economic Club of New York , Mr Greenspan said : " to stabilise the American banking system and restore normal lending , additional TARP funds will be required . "

  6. 正常的贷款功能恢复可能需要四年时间。

    Three or four years may pass before normal lending functions are resumed .

  7. 这些坏账也称为有毒资产,它们已削弱了美国银行,妨碍了正常的贷款。

    These bad loans , also called toxic assets , have weakened American banks and interfered with normal lending .

  8. 世界银行总裁佐利克将参加一部分财长会议,他说,财长们将讨论市场解冻的途径。解冻市场是为了恢复正常的贷款活动。

    World Bank President Robert Zoellick , who will attend portions of the meeting , says finance officials will be discussing ways to unfreeze the markets so that normal lending can resume .

  9. 如果你能通过正常渠道获得贷款,自然就没有理由掺和与金属有关的麻烦事了。

    If you can get normal credit , there 's no reason to mess around with a metal .

  10. 在银行具备充足资本以前,它们是不能进行正常的商业贷款的。

    Until banks are adequately capitalized , they are not going to be able to do normal business lending .

  11. 在租金回报率正常、抵押贷款利率有望上调的情况下,源源不断希望成为地产大亨的购房者,在匆忙入市之前应三思而行。

    So with rental yields at normal levels and mortgage rates itching to rise , the never-ending supply of would-be property barons should be wary of dashing into the market .