
  • 网络European Standards;CEN;European Norm;ATEX;FEPA
  1. 欧洲标准化委员会(CEN)的不锈钢标准

    Stainless standard of CEN

  2. 根据欧洲标准,英国工资的绝对值依然很低。

    In absolute terms British wages remain low by European standards .

  3. 肉类市场只有经过彻底的大检查,严格遵守欧洲标准,才能继续营业。

    The meat market can continue only if it is radically overhauled to conform with strict European standards .

  4. BUS是欧洲标准的2线总线,主要用于耗能测量仪表。

    The M-BUS is an European standard for remote transmission of energy consumption data .

  5. 色彩鲜艳,光彩夺目,手感柔软,线条均匀,各项物理化学指标均达到或超过欧洲标准(N)。

    Vivid colors , soft touching , every physical and chemical specifications are reaching or higher than the standards of EN .

  6. 对欧洲标准化委员会制订的有关焊缝射线检测(RT)的方法和质量评定标准作一概略性评述。

    The recent radiographic method and quality evaluation standards prepared by European Standardization Committee are reviewed .

  7. 1996年3月15日,PROFIBUS批准为欧洲标准。

    On March 15,1996 , PROFIBUS became European standard .

  8. 欧洲标准化委员会(CEN)已经根据维也纳协议规定将该事宜提交ISO。

    CEN had offered this work to ISO following the so-called Vienna agreement .

  9. 对非重复充装瓶阀的技术要求和型式试验采用的国家标准(GB)和欧洲标准(EN)进行了比较分析。

    This paper analyses the specification and type testing of cylinder valves for non-refillable cylinders at home and abroad .

  10. 我国防爆标准规定的温度测试方法与欧洲标准及IEC标准基本相同,适用范围较广;

    The temperature test specified in GB is fundamental the same with that in Europe standard and IEC standard .

  11. 由欧洲标准化委员会制定并提出,经欧盟批准的CR法案将对我国的打火机企业及相关行业产生重大的影响。

    The CR Bill , which is put forward by the European Standardization Committee and ratified by the EU , will make a great influence on the enterprises of Cigarette Lighter and other relative ones .

  12. 宽度偏差,IEC、欧洲标准最小,美国最大,日本、中国中等。

    The width difference , in IEC , Europe standards is the smallest , in US standards is the largest , in China , Japan standards is the medium .

  13. 国会预算办公室(congressionalbudgetoffice)预测,如果僵局无法打破,美国经济明年可能会收缩0.5%,尽管不是什么好消息,但按照欧洲标准,这远远算不上是一场灾难。

    If deadlock were to persist , the Congressional Budget Office estimates the US economy could shrink by 0.5 per cent next year scarcely good news but , by European standards anyway , well short of catastrophe .

  14. 无取向钢横向厚度差,IEC、欧洲标准较严,日本、中国较松。美国没有规定。

    The cross direction thickness difference of non-grain orientated silicon steel , in IEC , Europe standards is stricter , in China , Japan standards is looser , in US standards isn 't prescribed .

  15. 欧洲标准化组织(ETSI,EuropeanTelecommunicationsStandardsInstitute)在2004-2007年先后制定了欧洲标准DSRC协议一致性测试标准,而我国只在2008年1月公布了协议一致性测试方法草案。

    ETSI ( European Telecommunications Standards Institute ) has designed the conformance testing standard for the European DSRC protocol standard during 2004 and 2007 . But our country only announced the draft of protocol conformance testing method in January 2008 .

  16. VG95234系列产品是根据欧洲标准VG95234设计和制造的。

    The connector of VG95234 is designed and manufactured by the European standard VG95234 .

  17. 介绍了M-BUS二线制总线,它是一种用于远程仪表读取数据的欧洲标准,主要用于耗能测量仪表。

    The M-BUS , the two wire bus , is the European standard for remote instrument data readout system . It mainly used for energy consumption meters .

  18. 本文对CEN、CENELEC和ETSI等三个欧洲标准化组织的标准版权保护政策、标准版权转移制度等进行了深度分析。

    This article has given a deep and comprehensive analysis of the standards copyright policies of CEN , CENELEC and ETSI , and their standards assignment system .

  19. M-BUS(“Meter-Bus”)通讯总线是一种欧洲标准的仪表总线通讯格式,是为了远程读取热表而制定的一种新的欧洲标准。

    The M-Bus bus is a kind of communication format of Meter bus , is the New European standard for remote installation data readout system .

  20. M-BUS总线是欧洲标准的两线总线,主要用于消耗类测量仪器诸如热表、水表、电表、煤气表系列。

    M-BUS remote meter reading system is the European standard two-wire bus , mainly used for consumption measuring instruments such as heat meters , water meters , electric meters and gas meters .

  21. 根据国家标准、欧洲标准中对高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)埋地排水管材专用树脂的要求,确定了产品的质量控制指标和生产工艺参数。

    The technical index of quality control and process parameters for preparing a kind of high density polyethylene ( HDPE ) speciality resin , grade 6360M , for underground drainage pipe were determined in accordance with requirements stipulated in the related European standard and China national standard .

  22. 此修改后的冷启动测试被称为新欧洲标准行驶循环(NEDC)或称为MVEG-B的试验。

    This modified cold start test is referred to as the New European Driving Cycle ( NEDC ) or as the MVEG-B test .

  23. 必须在上述国家或地区使用符合欧洲标准en228的汽油和其他燃油。

    Petrol and other fuel available in the countries specified above must be used in accordance with the European standard en228 .

  24. 根据欧洲标准,结合材料的应用性能及高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)埋地排水管不同结构壁管的成型要求,确定了6360M攻关技术指标。

    The technical indexes of high density polyethylene ( HDPE ) speciality resin 6360 M for underearth drainage pipe were determined in terms of related European standard , combined with the consideration of application performance of the material and requirement on moulding of the pipe having different structural wall .

  25. 标准:中东标准,欧洲标准,日本标准。

    Standard : Middle-east standard , European Standard , Japanese Standard .

  26. 欧洲标准化委员会无损检测技术委员会(CEN/TC138)无损检测标准题录

    Index for the nondestructive testing standards of cen / TC 138

  27. 多发性硬化症欧洲标准化临床描述的确立

    European validation of a standardized clinical description of multiple sclerosis

  28. 按欧洲标准,该国曾是、且仍是穷国。

    The country was , and remains , poor by European standards .

  29. 用欧洲标准变应原系列检测变应性接触性皮炎

    Detection of Contact Hypersensitivity by European Standard Contact Allergens

  30. 关于房屋建筑,欧洲标准13670-1给出了可以接受的偏差。

    For Buildings , ENV13670-1 gives the acceptable deviation .