
  1. 这是对传统的欧洲霸权模式的改良,表明市场经济因素取代军事因素成为支配控制世界的主要力量;

    It indicated economic factors , in place of military factors , had become main forces in dictating the world .

  2. 布莱尼姆一役,法军败北,法国的欧洲霸权从此结束。

    The French were defeated at the battle of Blenheim , which led to an end of French hegemony over Europe .

  3. 伦敦&或许与终结法国在欧洲的霸权的那场战役一样,巴黎似乎再次被打败了。

    LONDON & Perhaps befitting a battle that ended French hegemony in Europe , Paris , it seems , has been outflanked once again .

  4. 英国反对法国在欧洲的霸权扩张,要求维持欧洲的均势,加入了这场战争,与法国展开了激烈的斗争。

    France 's expansion of its power in Europe led to England 's dissatisfaction , and England joined the war to keep its power .

  5. 一战对欧洲经济霸权的严重冲击、战后欧洲(尤其是德国)对美国严重的财政依赖、战后错综复杂的战债和赔偿问题交织在一起,恶化了20年代国际金融机制。

    WW ⅰ impacted European economical hegemony in a disastrous way . After the war , Europe ( Germany , in particular ) was much financially dependent upon America . Complex postwar issues of war debt and damage issues interwove together .

  6. 当然,班加罗尔在开创性科研领域挑战美国、欧洲或日本霸权的日子还离我们很遥远。

    Certainly , the day when Bangalore will challenge the supremacy of the US , Europe or Japan in path-breaking scientific research is still far off .

  7. 法国的安全战略是维护边界安全,为达到此目的,它力主彻底从政治、经济和军事上压垮德国,确立法国在欧洲大陆的霸权地位,确保自己获得真正的安全。

    French security strategy was to maintain the frontier 's safety . In order to achieve this object , it insisted on overwhelming Germany from politics , economy and military , established French hegemony in the Continent , and made sure to get real safety .

  8. 在西方,人们害怕中国有朝一日会成为超越欧洲和美国的霸权国家。

    Some people in the West have a fear that China will take hegemony over Europe and America .

  9. 因此英俄两国在中亚的争夺是欧洲列强争夺世界霸权和争夺殖民地的必然结果。

    So , The conflict between Britain and Russia in Central Asia was the inevitable outcome of European big powers contended world hegemony and colony .

  10. 19世纪初,俄国取得了对欧洲各国政府的霸权后,意欲进一步向南拓展势力。

    At the beginning of the 19th century , Russia intended to expand further southward his influence after gaining the governmental hegemony to all countries in Europe .

  11. 无论是比利时、荷兰还是卢森堡,它们都希望建立一个联邦欧洲,而且还希望英国能够加入以制衡其他欧洲大国霸权,以此来确保自身安全。

    Whether it is Belgium , the Netherlands or Luxembourg , they all want to build a federal Europe , and also want Britain to join in to balance hegemony of other European powers , in order to ensure their safety .