
  1. 几天以前,我们散兵部队来到一座欧洲小镇,那里尚未遭受战争的蹂躏。

    A few days ago my ragtag group of soldiers journeyed to a small European town that had been untouched by warfare .

  2. 纠缠如毛线团的街道,不仅构成了欧洲小镇的独有形象感觉,亦是人培养思想气质的场所。

    Paths , tangled like reel of thread , give an impression of typical European townlet , which cultivates people 's mind and temperament .

  3. 俱乐部客房全部座落在隐现在灌木之间的欧洲小镇当中,客人在体验异域风情的同时还可以尽情享受种植园的绿色、洁净的阳光和清纯的空气。

    Club rooms all located in the bush is now hidden in Europe between the town , the visitors experience at the same time exotic plant can also enjoy the green parks , clean pure sunlight and air .

  4. 杨宏伟说,这座城堡是今年世博会上建造的欧洲冰雪小镇的主要景点

    The castle is the main attraction of the European snow town built during the expo this year , Yang said .

  5. 在欧洲一个小镇成长的我,怎会和一个在美国加州出生的人结婚?

    How did someone who grew up in a small town in Europe happen to marry someone born in California ?

  6. 她不想回到父亲大庄园的城堡,也不想去宫里,或游览任何一个欧洲怡人小镇。

    She would not go back to her father 's castle in its park , nor go to Court , nor travel to any gay town of the continent .