
  • 网络EFSA;the European Food Safety Authority;European Food Safety Agency
  1. 包括欧洲食品安全局(EuropeanFoodSafetyAuthority)在内的监管机构,已开始实施更为严格的标准,以确保所有与健康相关的主张都有科学依据。

    Regulators , including the European Food Safety Authority , have begun imposing tougher standards to ensure any health-related claims are backed by science .

  2. 尽管欧洲食品安全局(EuropeanFoodSafetyAuthority)今年早些时候就鱼肉摄入发布了一项新的建议性通告,该局称欧洲各国食用的鱼肉种类和食用习惯相差极大,应该由各国提供具体建议。

    While the European Food Safety Authority issued a new advisory notice on fish consumption earlier this year , it said that the types of fish consumed in Europe and fish-eating habits were so different across the continent that it was up to the individual countries to give specific advice .

  3. 前不久,全球最大巧克力生产商百乐嘉利宝(BarryCallebautAG)提出的可可黄烷醇(此类化合物也存在于黑巧克力中)可能有利于血液循环的声明获得了欧洲食品安全局(EuropeanFoodSafetyAuthority)的认可。

    On Tuesday , the world 's largest chocolate manufacturer , Barry Callebaut AG , won the backing of the European Food Safety Authority for its claim that cocoa flavanols , or compounds that can also be found in dark chocolate , can be good for blood circulation .

  4. 今年早些时候,这种压力又增加了。欧洲食品安全局在进行了为期三年的广泛的审查后,对很多产品进行了点名批评。

    The pressure was increased earlier this year , when the European Food Safety Agency criticized many products , following an extensive three-year review .

  5. 在监管主体部门的改革中,可以借鉴欧盟秉承独立性原则的要求,建立欧洲食品安全局,使各主体独立管理,独立负责的做法。

    In the reform of the regulatory body , the principle of independence requirements in EU can help to establish the European Food Safety Authority .

  6. 遵循欧洲食品安全局订立的新规章:食品标签的任何健康声明都应用科学依据证实。

    It addresses the new regulations set out by the European Food Safety Authority that any health claims made on a food label should be substantiated by scientific evidence .

  7. 在欧洲食品安全局的支持之下,百乐嘉利宝是欧盟27个成员国中第一家获得有关可可黄烷醇积极效果的官方认证的企业。

    With the backing of the European food authority , Barry Callebaut is the first company in the 27-member bloc to obtain an official validation of the positive effects of cocoa flavanols .

  8. 欧盟对食品链实行从“农场到餐桌”的全程监管,欧洲食品安全管理局在食品安全监管中发挥着重要的作用。

    EU carries out controls and monitoring throughout the food chain ," from farm to table " . The European Food Safety Authority plays an important role in the controls and monitoring Of food safety .