
  • Happy Hour;Swing Time
  1. 欢乐时光先等一等——你带着健身包去上班了,但随后隔壁格子间的Sally提醒你今天是Greg的生日,每个人要去狂欢庆祝。

    Happy Hour Can Wait - You take your gym bag with you to work , but then Sally in the next cubicle reminds you that it 's Greg 's birthday and everyone is going to happy hour to celebrate .

  2. 欢乐时光先等一等&你带着健身包去上班了,但随后隔壁格子间的Sally提醒你今天是Greg的生日,每个人要去狂欢庆祝。

    Happy Hour Can Wait & You take your gym bag with you to work , but then Sally in the next cubicle reminds you that it 's Greg 's birthday and everyone is going to happy hour to celebrate .

  3. 安排这一类暖场宾客主要是为了:让后来的宾客感觉聚会已经开始,欢乐时光正在继续;如果有主人不太熟悉的宾客提前到了,也能帮着调节气氛。

    This guest or group of guests is meant to 1 ) make it seem like the party has already begun and good times are to be had , and 2 ) make it less awkward in case someone you don 't know particularly well arrives before everyone else .

  4. 你们度过了无数快乐的时光,我听到你们在Feve的欢乐时光。

    You went to countless happy hours , and happy-happy hours at the Feve I hear .

  5. 你可能觉得这是一个可以摆脱和跑步机约会的完美借口,但欢乐时光可以等待&此外,你可以挤出点时间快速锻炼下,然后再赶去Greg的生日会。

    You may think that this is the perfect excuse to get out of your date with the treadmill , but happy hour can wait & and besides , you can squeeze in a quick workout and make it to Greg 's birthday bash .

  6. 你可能觉得这是一个可以摆脱和跑步机“约会”的完美借口,但欢乐时光可以等待——此外,你可以挤出点时间快速锻炼下,然后再赶去Greg的生日会。

    You may think that this is the perfect excuse to get out of your date with the treadmill , but happy hour can wait - and besides , you can squeeze in a quick workout and make it to Greg 's birthday bash .

  7. 正如诺伊曼所描述的那样,WeWork租入办公空间,对其重新设计之后,再转租给租户,以时髦的办公空间和欢乐时光抓住千禧一代的眼球,从而培育出一个“实体社交网络”。

    The company leases office space , redesigns it , and sublets it to tenants , catching the eye of millennials with trendy work spaces and happy hours that foster a " physical social network , " as Mr Neumann describes it .

  8. 让现在的生意回到以前的“欢乐时光”加油站时代去。

    Bring the business back to the happy time gas station .

  9. 你就要在欢乐时光下午茶两点半后叫。

    You 've to order after the tea time special starts .

  10. 本期节目叫做“欢乐时光-酒吧优惠时段。”

    This episode is called " Going to Happy Hour . "

  11. 我们也应该与它们共度欢乐时光。

    We should be with them in times of joy , too .

  12. 欢乐时光总短暂,快就课。们美国老师起教室里合影。

    We took a photo with our American teacher in the classroom .

  13. 科学家们找到了这个基因,并把它称之为“欢乐时光”。

    And they turned up a gene they call happyhour .

  14. 分享欢乐时光,看看谁是胜利者!

    Enjoy hours of fun playing together and see who is the winner !

  15. 这样的酒吧在你的城市有欢乐时光?

    Do pubs in your town have happy hours ?

  16. 珍宝岛酒店,泳池里的家庭欢乐时光。

    Family fun in the pool , Treasure Island Resort , Treasure Island .

  17. 生活是一串串的欢乐时光;

    Life ia a chain of moments of enjoyment ;

  18. 把旧欢理解为往昔欢乐时光。

    Tho old happy days seem in my dream .

  19. 穷富和叮当要在欢乐时光两点半前叫。

    Richie and ding-dong need to order before tea time special starts at2:30 .

  20. 接下来亨利·维克纳(《欢乐时光》中方奇的扮演者)会给你做更详细的介绍。

    Here 's Henry Winkler to tell us more .

  21. 就是这个东西结束了保姆的欢乐时光。

    This is the little spy that brought an end to nanny happy hour .

  22. 诺鲁兹节是一段欢乐时光,冬天即将结束、春天正在到来。

    No-Ruz is a happy time because winter is ending and spring is beginning .

  23. 某个地方正是欢乐时光吧?

    It 's happy hour somewhere , right ?

  24. 如果你们遵守的话我们就会有很多欢乐时光

    if You Follow Them , We Will All Have A Lot Of Fun .

  25. 我这份大二学期的年终总结,主要写的是和朋友们在一起的欢乐时光。

    My year-end report in sophomore year was mainly about having fun with my friends .

  26. 欢乐时光下午茶时间现在开始。

    Tea time happy hour starts now .

  27. 请跟您的同事分享这个好消息,享受自己的休闲娱乐的欢乐时光。

    Please release the good news to your talents and enjoy your entertainment in HOMEY .

  28. 欢乐时光免费饮料及小食,免费洗衣,每日报纸

    Complimentary happy hour drinks and refreshments at the lounge , Free laundry , Daily newspaper

  29. 我在想…史黛拉酒吧深夜有个欢乐时光环节

    So , I was wondering ... There 's a late night happy hour at Stella 's.

  30. 现在的这个时候,你是不是和你爱的家人朋友在一起共度欢乐时光?

    This the season to gather those you love and soak up the quality time together .