
  • Ode to Joy;SONG OF JOY;An die Freude
  1. 合唱团在唱《欢乐颂》。

    The chorus was singing ' The Ode to Joy ' .

  2. 这就是《欢乐颂》,他是贝多芬第九交响曲的一部分。

    This is " Ode to Joy , " and it 's part of Beethoven 's 9th Symphony .

  3. 《欢乐颂》摘自贝多芬第九交响曲的终曲合唱。唱词采用了席勒(FriedrichSchiller)的同名诗歌《欢乐颂》,是一部宏伟、充满着哲理旦性和英雄性的作品。

    " Ode an die Freude " was an excerpts from the last choral of the Ninth Symphony of Beethoven , which used Friedrich Schiller 's poem " Ode an die Freude ", is a gigantic work overflowed with philosophy and heroism .

  4. 听到欢乐颂真的使我们快乐起来!

    Happy song can really make us happy !

  5. 数字时代的欢乐颂&保罗·莱文森媒介理论分析

    A Joy Carol of Digital Era : An Analysis of Paul Levinson 's Media Theory

  6. 出演《欢乐颂2》的演员仍是原班人马,编剧导演等团队阵容也维持不变。

    The sequel will still have the same casts , same writer , and same directors .

  7. 它是《欢乐颂》、《友谊天长地久》、《威风凛凛进行曲》还是《D大调卡农》?

    Is it Ode to Joy , Auld Lang Syne , Pomp and Circumstance or Pachebel 's Canon .

  8. “欢乐颂”意味着贝多芬对生命的热爱,他感谢上帝,他没有自杀。

    It is said the " Ode to Joy " expresses Beethoven 's gratitude to life and to God , for not having committed suicide .

  9. 就在今晚,他决定邀请这三位艺术家们与他团里的演员一起,为人们揭开史上最精彩的圣诞欢乐颂的神秘篇章

    Tonight , he decided to invite these three poor artists to join in his team , they will present a most splendid and mysterious performance

  10. 哪位著名作曲家创作了《欢乐颂》?如果你认为你知道答案,那么大声喊出来吧!

    What famous composer wrote the musical work " Ode to Joy ? " If you think you know it , then shout it out .

  11. 有些孩子在通过遥控器操纵飞机,而另外有些孩子击打啤酒瓶演奏欢乐颂。

    Some of them sent flying model planes with remote control , while some others beat beer bottles to perform the world-famous music Ode to Joy .

  12. 通过《欢乐颂》的研究,证明了对自由和欢乐的追求伴随了贝多芬整整一生的道路。

    By the study on An Ode to Jabilation , it can be justified that the whole life of Beethoven evidenced the pursuit of freedom and happiness .

  13. 对于他的毕业作业,柴可夫斯基被要求表演席勒的《欢乐颂》。时间有限,而且主题和他的想象力无关。

    For his graduation exercise , Tchaikovsky was given the task concerting Schiller 's Ode to Joy . Time was limited , and the subject did not touch his imagination .

  14. 虽然《欢乐颂》主要关注的是她们的日常生活,但正是由于该剧的现实性和贴切生活,所以比起预期要更引起越南观众。

    Despite the main focus being only on their daily lives , " Ode to Joy " turns out to be more attractive to Vietnamese audience than expected thanks to its reality and familiarity .

  15. 或许他的第九交响乐在演奏,在翱翔,鼓舞人心的《欢乐颂》。这听起来太巧合了,想到她此时的使命,一零三点四可能是敲击音乐或者重金属音乐台。

    Maybe his Ninth Symphony was playing , the soaring , inspiring " Ode to Joy . " This seemed too coincidental , considering her mission at the moment , and103.4 was probably rap or heavy metal .

  16. 纳尔逊:没错。伴奏是《欢乐颂》。当然现在仍有一些问题,比如是否有8000个人要放飞这8000个气球,或者这个活动到底要怎么进行?

    NELSON : That is correct - " Ode To Joy . " Now , there are of course some questions about whether 8000 people are going to release 8000 balloons or exactly how this is going to work .

  17. 该剧由《琅琊榜》制作团队全力打造,情节也将延续上一部剧情,围绕“欢乐颂”小区22楼五个性格各异的女孩展开。

    The directing team of this drama is the same one from NIV and it will continue season 1 's story of five women who happened to coincidentally live on the 22nd floor of the Ode to Joy apartment .

  18. 难的时候也都热心帮忙。”此外,她还表示自己非常期待据传于九月份在中国开拍的《欢乐颂》第二季。

    She also treats others well , being supportive to them while they have troubles , " Van said , adding that she is looking forward to the second part of the episodes , which is said to start in September .

  19. 随着《欢乐颂》的音乐响起,焰火竞相绽放,所有探照灯、激光、喷泉全部加入光与火的缤纷,一时间漫天璀璨,照亮夜空。

    With the " Ode to Joy " music started playing , fireworks competing bloom , all the searchlights , lasers , fountains of light and fire all joined the fun , bright sky for a time , illuminate the night sky .