- 网络Study of Archival Documents Compilation

Compilation and dissemination of archival science in modern times , although only the formation of the subject , but they are different but linked between .
The Archives Compilation which belongs to the social sciences category is the basic point by the human and the file information relations which studies completely for it .
Part ⅱ: In the foundation of the concept system research , the author analyses and investigates over the process of the Archives Compilation forming from abstract to concrete .
The law of the Archives Compilation development from the dialectical logical angle of view research at present was still the blank . The author do the research which is based on the knowledge and understanding in order to have the trifle contribution to the Archives Compilation development .
This thesis is on the basis of possessing materials adequately , by absorbing and learning from former scholars ' research achievements , it researches the theory and practice of compilation of Memoir of Qing Dynasty comprehensively and systematically from the perspective of subject of compilation of archives and literature .
Believe that the research files and archives will learn more and more communication with the absorption of the theoretical research result compilation and the relevant archival and communication between these two specific subjects , tentatively has not attracted sufficient attention to academics .