
dànɡ àn biān mù
  • cataloguing of file
  1. 国外档案编目编码技术标准发展概述

    Review on the Standard of Development of Foreign Encoded Archival Description

  2. 档案编目与图书编目之比较

    COMPARE cataloging ; The Relation Between Archival Cataloging and Books Cataloging

  3. 结合济钢设计院实际将所有档案资料编目建立数据库,投入使用后,平均查阅时间均在5分钟以内,准确率达90%以上。

    The research institute of Jigang has established a database of the whole book and file catalogue . The average of the searching time is within five minutes and the accuracy is over 90 % .

  4. 基础性开发包括傣文贝叶历史档案的编目、翻译、数字化建设等环节,内涵式发掘则根据我国《文化及相关产业分类》分别从核心层、外围层、相关层三个层面进行实施。

    Basic ways of exploitation for Dai Palm-leaf Manuscripts include cataloging , translation , digital construction , etc. Advanced ways of exploitation are introduced from the core layer , the outer layer and the relevant layer , according to " Classification of Culture and Related Industry in China " .

  5. 改进档案馆整理编目工作的一点建议

    A Suggestion to Improve Archival Arrangement and Cataloging in Archives

  6. 使用计算机输入、贮存、处理、检索、输出、传递档案信息,实现档案自动编目和检索,对档案存储环境进行监测和控制,以及对档案行政管理数据进行处理等等。

    The use of computer input , processing , storage , retrieval , output , transmission of archives information , realizing automatic cataloguing and retrieval of files , file storage environment monitoring and control , as well as on archives administrative data processing and so on .

  7. 档案管理实现了包括案卷管理、档案检索、案卷检索、档案管理、编目打印、档案室管理、类目管理和分发查询等功能。

    The management of archives includes files management , file retrieval , files retrieval , file management , cataloging , printing , the archives management , categories management and distribution inquires the etc. function .

  8. 要建立数字化档案馆,就要从档案馆结构、馆藏、现行文件数字化及数据库、档案编目检索统计利用、档案信息发布与实时采集等方面着手进行建设。

    Digitalized archive establishment needs digitalization of archive structure , stock and current files as well as utilization of data base , archive statistics and retrieval .