
wéi gān
  • mast;spar;longeron
桅杆 [wéi gān]
  • [mast] 木质的长圆竿或金属柱,通常从船的龙骨或中板上垂直竖起,可以支撑横桁帆下桁、吊杆或斜桁

桅杆[wéi gān]
  1. 主舱在桅杆的前面。

    The main cabin is situated forward of the mast .

  2. 船的桅杆、帆桁和帆总称为“索具”。

    The collective name for mast , boom and sails on a boat is the ' rig ' .

  3. 坚固的云杉木做成的桅杆已经弯得像一把弓,那一刻我觉得它马上就要断了。

    The mast , which was a solid spruce spar , bent like a bow , and for a moment I thought we were going to lose it .

  4. 纸圈挂在这些桅杆上,形成许多长条的花彩。

    The paper is looped over these spars in long festoons .

  5. 我喊她一声,桅杆就很容易很准确地转动。

    I called to her , and the mast moved easily and accurately .

  6. 帆拍打着桅杆。

    The sails were flapping against the mast .

  7. 船的桅杆和教堂的塔尖一样高

    Her masts leveled with the spires of churches .

  8. 汉兹嘴里衔着刀,也慢慢地爬向桅杆。

    Hands was pulling himself up among the sails now , the knife between his teeth .

  9. 但我先站起来一跃,两手交替着爬上桅杆。

    but I was on my feet first and climbed up into the sails , hand over hand .

  10. 季子将钱袋放在桅杆下,急忙抓住桅杆往上爬。

    Ji Zi put his bag of money under the mast , hurriedly grasped the mast and began to climb .

  11. 骗子说:“就在这条船的桅杆顶端,你爬上去就得道了。”

    The swindler said : " It is at the top of the boat 's mast . You will learn Taoism if you climb up to the top . "

  12. 但是突然,他的手向后一挥,就见一件东西嗖的一声飞过来。我感到一阵剧痛,我的肩膀被钉在了桅杆上。

    But then , with a sudden movement , his hand went back and something went speeding through the air . I felt a sharp pain , and I was pinned to the mast by my shoulder .

  13. 季子爬到顶端,无法再上的时候,忽然大悟,抱着桅杆欢叫:“我得道了!我得道了!”

    When Ji Zi climbed up to the top and could go no further , he suddenly saw the light . Hugging the mast , he shouted happily : " I 've learned Taoism ! I 've learned Taoism ! "

  14. 算例结果表明MR阻尼器能有效地减小桅杆结构的风振反应。

    The results of simulated computation imply that MR dampers can significantly reduce the wind responses of guyed mast .

  15. 运用MonteCarlo方法对桅杆结构的非线性风振响应进行了计算。

    The wind-induced vibration response of a guyed-mast is calculated using the Monte Carlo Method .

  16. 以直X型机为平台,就桅杆式瞄准具对直升机振动的影响进行了分析与试验研究。

    Based on Z-X helicopter , the influence of mast mounted sight ( MMS ) on helicopter vibration was investigated by analyses and experiments .

  17. 以船舶筒形桅杆为研究对象,利用有限元方法,考虑在不同的边界条件下,使用ANSYS对桅杆进行结构振动分析。

    The structural vibration of barrel - shaped mast is calculated by the ANSYS structural analysis software , in some different conditions .

  18. 根据瞬时最优主动控制的原则,提出了MR阻尼器对桅杆结构风振反应智能半主动控制基于阻尼器位移的开关-耗能半主动控制策略。

    In accordance with the principle of instantaneous optimal active control , an ' Off-On Energy Dissipation ' Semi-active control is proposed , which is based upon optimal active control displacement .

  19. 脉动风作用下电视塔桅杆结构TMD控制的惯性质量与位置优化

    Optimum Design of Mass and Distribution of TMD Systems for TV Tower under Fluctuating Wind

  20. WPA法分析带动力吸振器多支承桅杆动态特性

    Vibration Analysis of Multiple Supported Elastic Mast with MTD by Using WPA Method

  21. 基于WVD交叉项统计特征的桅杆结构损伤识别

    Damage Identification for Guyed Mast Based on WVD Cross-term Statistic Distinction

  22. 一套完整系统由一个位于后桅杆上的雷达和四门AAA炮组成。

    A complete system consists of one radar located on top of the rear mast and four AAA guns .

  23. 桅杆结构纤绳拉耳任意形状孔边裂纹SIF计算

    Calculation of Stress Intensity Factor of Crack at Hole for Ear Plate Connecting Cable with Guyed Mast

  24. 500t起重桅杆的结构与使用性能

    A 500t lifting Mast Structure and Its Operational Performance

  25. 我们可能希望约束自己、迫使自己表现得更好,就像奥德修斯(Odysseus)让人把自己捆在桅杆上(以抵挡海妖歌声的诱惑)那样。

    We may wish to bind ourselves to better behaviour , like Odysseus to his mast .

  26. 采用Newton-Raphson迭代法和修正弧长迭代法求解桅杆在失稳前、后的整个变形路径。

    The Newton-Raphson and modified are-length iterative methods are adopted to solve the whole deflecting procedures of guyed tower before and after instability .

  27. 本文以某船的筒状桅杆作为主要研究对象,用大型有限元分析软件ANSYS建模并进行了模态计算,并用实验结果进行验证,结果令人满意。

    In the paper , tubular masts of a ship has been chosen as a research object , modal analysis has been done by use of finite element software ANSYS and a satisfactory result has been gained .

  28. 固定支架桅杆式起重机EVAP罐固定螺帽(罐到固定支架)

    EVAP Canister Mounting Nuts ( canister-to-mounting bracket )

  29. 介绍了某型舰上A型、B型和C型雷达的天线基座与桅杆支座的联接方式,对螺栓联接的受力情况及其强度作了分析,提出结构设计中需要考虑的一些问题。

    The connection modes of antenna pedestal of A-type , B-type and C-type radar on ship with mast support are introduced in this paper . The stress and strength of bolt connection are analysed , and some problems which must be considered in structure design are raised .

  30. 古希腊领袖奥德修斯(odysseus)为了抵御海妖歌声的诱惑,命令船员把他绑在桅杆上。

    The Greek leader Odysseus ordered sailors to tie him to the mast so he could resist the song of the sirens .