
  1. 佛教的民族化有待于这种新型的格义活动。

    Buddhism nation to be the model of the " Geyi " activities .

  2. 思想政治教育中介格义

    The Interpretation of Ideological and Political Education Media

  3. 研究虚拟自我,首先要对主观思维空间中的虚拟自我进行分析和格义;

    For researching virtual ego we have to probe into virtual ego in consciousness space firstly ;

  4. 所谓格义,即中国早期佛教学者利用中国固有的名词、概念以诠释佛经奥义的做法。

    Geyi was a kind of way to use the concepts and terms of Chinese philosophy to interpret the profound meaning of the Buddhist Scripture .

  5. 中国佛教用格义、比附、会通的办法,与儒道两家相互圆融,在中华文化结构中获得了一席之地。

    Chinese Buddhism used the methods of definition , comparison , communication , and harmoniously combined itself with Confucianism and Taoism , and gained a position in Chinese culture structure .

  6. 宋代诗话中的诗韵论主要从两个维面展开:一是作为诗法层面的诗韵论,着重探讨韵作为韵律、韵格之义与诗歌创作的关系;

    Discussion of the poem rhyme in Song Dynasty mainly extends in two aspects : one is the poem rhyme in poem rules which mainly studies the relationships between poem writing and rhyme , emphasizing on rules and forms in rhyme ;

  7. 事格与句义

    Event Case and the Meaning of Sentences