
  • 网络Sps;standard positioning service
  1. 目前,GPS卫星信号采用两种扩频伪码序列,分别是用于标准定位服务的C/A码和用于精确定位服务的P码。

    As it stands today , GPS adopts two types of pseudorandom noise code spreading sequences , coarse / acquisition code for Standard Positioning Service and precision code for Precise Positioning Serivice , respectively .

  2. 标准定位服务(SPS)的固有误差、SA措施和市区环境的共同影响,使得GPS的导航精度难于满足特种车辆监管系统的需求。

    Affected by the connatural error of Standard Positioning Service ( SPS ), Selective Availability , and urban districts surrounding , GPS positioning precision is difficult to satisfy the requirement of Special Vehicle Surveillance & Management System .

  3. 随着GPS技术的普及,标准GPS定位服务已经无法满足人们对定位精度的要求。

    With the increasing popularity of GPS technology , standard GPS positioning service can not meet the demand of the high-precision positioning for people .