
  • 网络citrus grandis;Tectona grandis
  1. 柚树(Citrusgrandis)叶片光合作用对补增UV-B辐射的响应

    Photosynthetic response in leaves of Citrus grandis to supplementary UV - B irradiation

  2. 不同氮源下生长的柚树叶片光合参数对高浓度CO2驯化作用的比较

    Comparison of photosynthetic parameters in leaves of Citrus grandis grown under different forms of nitrogen source during photosynthetic acclimation to elevated CO_2

  3. 李树和柚树随岁月消失之后,遍地只有细小而稀疏、着樟脑清香的落花。

    The plum tree and the teak tree disappear after years , but what is left are the small petals with faint scent of camphor .

  4. 枳砧梁平柚树高、树冠体积、枝条电阻值、枝条节间长度等均明显低于对照。

    The plant height , crown volumn , tissue electrical resistance and twig inter-node length of Liangpingyou on trifoliate orange are significantly lower than those of control .

  5. 柚子,又名文旦,为芸香科植物常绿果树-柚树的成熟果实,在我国资源丰富,广泛分布于福建、广东、广西、江西等地。

    Grapefruit , also named as Wendan , is a mature fruit of pomelo trees which is an evergreen fruit tree of rutaceae plant , it is rich in many places in our country , such as Fujian , Guangdong , Guangxi and Jiangxi .