
  • 网络The Wall;The Berlin Wall;Berliner Wall;Berliner Mauer
  1. 柏林墙的倒塌象征着东西方冷战的结束。

    The fall of the Berlin Wall symbolised the end of the Cold War between East and West .

  2. 柏林墙在什么地方?

    Where was the Berlin wall ?

  3. 柏林墙终于倒塌了,预示着德国的重新统一。

    The wall through Berlin was finally ruptured , prefiguring the reunification of Germany .

  4. 柏林墙(BerlinWall)的倒塌并未导致东欧发生大规模流血冲突。

    The collapse of the Berlin Wall did not deliver mass bloodshed in eastern Europe .

  5. 柏林墙的倒下被认为是上述“华盛顿共识”(Washingtonconsensus)胜利的标志。

    The fall of the Berlin Wall was held to mark the triumph of this Washington consensus .

  6. 这是Lisa的奶奶当年在柏林墙还未被推倒前在西德买的德国啤酒女的侍者装。

    Lisa 's grandmother bought the outfit in West Germany before that historical moment took place many years ago .

  7. 他忠告苏联总统米哈伊尔戈尔巴乔夫(MikhailGorbachev),要拆掉那堵讨厌的柏林墙。

    He told Mikhail Gorbachev , Soviet president , to tear down that awful wall .

  8. 曾在柏林墙(BerlinWall)倒塌后的10年中占主导地位、支持民主的假设终结了,这至少是“阿拉伯之春”(ArabSpring)没有实现很多人期待的改变的原因之一。

    The end of the presumption in favour of democracy that held sway in the decade following the dismantling of the Berlin Wall is at least one of the reasons why the Arab Spring failed to deliver the changes many hoped for .

  9. 美国政府的错误在于想当然地认为雅尔塔协定(YaltaAgreement)也伴随着柏林墙的倒塌而失效,因此昔日臣服于苏联帝国的民族和国家应该可以自由选择。

    Washington 's crime was to assume that the Yalta agreement had fallen along with the Berlin Wall , and that the peoples and nations of the erstwhile Soviet empire should thus be free to make their own choices .

  10. 我最愉悦的政治记忆都出自同一年的冬天:一天晚上,一个朋友叫醒我,告诉我柏林墙倒塌了,三个月后,纳尔逊曼德拉(nelsonmandela)重获自由。

    My two happiest political memories are from one single winter : a friend waking me one night to announce the fall of the Berlin Wall , and Nelson Mandela walking free three months later .

  11. 他说,如果不是自己的学徒期开始六周后柏林墙就被推到了的话,他可能最终无法顶住要求他为秘密警察卖力的压力——利用从西德亲戚给的一台破辛克莱(Sinclair)ZX81型电脑上学到的技能。

    He says the pressure to help out the secret police with the skills he learnt on a broken Sinclair ZX81 sent by a relative in the west may ultimately have been irresistible - had the wall not come down six weeks into his apprenticeship .

  12. Wowereit还说,这一活动的意义是告诉他们历史上的那一个时刻,并鼓励他们推翻一切类似“柏林墙”的阻碍,不管它们出现在什么地方。

    Wowereit added that the project is meant to teach them about that time in history and to encourage them to break down walls and barriers wherever they may be .

  13. 然后,柏林墙倒了,中国开始对外开放。

    Then the Berlin Wall fell , and China opened up .

  14. 骇人听闻的柏林墙也是这段历史中举足轻重的一部分。

    The monstrous wall is very much part of that story .

  15. 柏林墙倒后,他们打算留下来。

    After the Berlin Wall fell , they decided to stay .

  16. 他很年轻,但对柏林墙很熟悉。

    He 's quite young , but he knows the wall .

  17. 那些顽固的家伙很怀念柏林墙。

    The old tough guys were nostalgic for the Berlin wall .

  18. 正如柏林墙已经垮了,其他的围墙也将倒掉。

    As the Berlin wall fell , other walls will fall .

  19. 他们建立柏林墙是为了把国民限制在界内。

    They built the Berlin wall to keep their subjects in .

  20. 最初是柏林墙的倒塌。

    In the beginning there was the fall of the Berlin Wall .

  21. 早餐以后,我们去巡视柏林墙。

    After breakfast we made a tour of the Wall .

  22. 他们把柏林墙从视线中抹去是理所当然的。

    They are right to have wiped the wall from their landscape .

  23. 德国在1961年被柏林墙一分为二。

    Germany was divided in two by the Berlin Wall in 1961 .

  24. 但是那些形象是柏林墙的一部分。

    But those images were of the building of the Berlin wall .

  25. 请你谈谈冷战和柏林墙的倒塌。

    Discuss the Cold War and the fall of the Berlin Wall .

  26. 柏林墙是冷战重要的象征。

    The Berlin Wall was a potent symbol of the cold war .

  27. 柏林墙的倒塌让这座城市苏醒了。

    The fall of the Berlin Wall resuscitated the city .

  28. 柏林墙夫人声称,她在7岁时在电视里第一次看到柏林墙就爱上了它,从后她开始收集“他”的照片,存钱去见“他”。

    She began collecting " his " pictures and saving up for visits .

  29. 柏林墙不仅是一道地缘政治屏障,更是一场人间悲剧。

    The Berlin Wall was a human tragedy , but a geopolitical convenience .

  30. 德国向联合国赠送柏林墙墙体

    Germany presents section of Berlin Wall to United Nations